Chapter 9 - Hearts Have Other Ideas

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Louis POV

"HARRY BREATHE!" we have arrived in the little town and are going off for our 30 minute dates and he is freaking out. "HARRY CALM DOWN" I can't get him to calm down. "Harry look at me!" he turned his attention to me. "Harry you really need to calm down" he is shuffling, shaking and doing anything he could possibly do to show he is nervous. 

"Sorry Lou" I patted his back, "Now go into that cafe put a smile on your face and charm her like you charm me alright?!" He flashed me a half hearted smile and began walking over to the cafe in which Eleanor was placed sitting by the window. "He's freaking out Lou" I turned around to see Stan standing there. "Hey Mate, how was your date?" he smiled, "Went well actually yeah, Poor Harry he looks petrified" I nodded "God you don't even know the worst of it"

"Poor Kid" I was watching him from my position in the garden. "I wish I could help him Stan but I really don't know what to do" I heard another pair of footsteps approaching us. "Wanting to help the gayboy ae Louissssssss" he put enphasis on the s. "ITS Louis! THE S IS SILENT" I spat at him. You would never know what kind of a jerk he is until you see him when the cameras arent rolling on him.

"Of course I want to help him he is one of my best friends but he is most certainly not gay LUKE!" I snorted. "Aww he's your best friend aw like best friends forever how PATHETIC" I could feel anger building up inside of me. "Get going Luke" Stan shoved him off. "Thanks stan" I flashed him a half hearted smile. "Hey no worries he is such a creep." 

Harry POV

"So what's with you and louis?" Eleanor questioned me. "Well to be completly honest he is the only person apart from Stan who I can trust" she nodded. "I just saw Luke was giving Louis and Stan some grief what do you think of him Harry?" I didn't really want to say anything bad but she needs to know. "Well he can be a little uphimself and he likes giving louis and I a hell of a time when the cameras aren't rolling" she grabbed my hand. "Don't let him get to you" I smiled she really is perfect. I got up and was about to leave, "Did I say you could Leave" I laughed. "Sorry Eleanor" she pulled me into her and gently placed her lips on mine. WOOAH does this mean she likes me? She hasn't kissed any of the others yet well I don't know about Stan.

"You may leave harry" I smiled and headed out the door and got thumbs up from both Louis and Stan. I gave Louis a hand shake thing while he headed in to spend time with Eleanor. "WAY TO Go Harry" Stan patted my back. 

Louis POV

My date went pretty well we just talked and she held my hand. I am so happy for Harry she kissed him! Oh how much I would like a kiss. WAIT like a kiss from who? I think my mind was saying a kiss from Eleanor and then my heart wanted a kiss from Harry. wooah I think I let that gayboy comment get to me. I am here for Eleanor not Harry.... Oh My God. "Louis are you alright?" I smiled half heartedly hopefully it wasn't obvious. "Yeah Im fine" I got up and gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed out. I saw Harry beaming at me with his green eyes and his dimples. FUCK LOUIS what the hell is going on, I'm tired thats the problem. "Lou" he pulled me in for a hug. "Hey Harry" his scent is amazing. LOUIS STOP IT I am mentally scoulding myself.

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