Chapter 3 - Meeting The Bachelorette

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Harry POV

I won't lie so I can cut this story short, well actually i would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I am freaking out like seriously at the moment. Normally when I go somewhere different or you know go to meet people Liam or Niall is there but no I am on my own and it is just a smidge freaky. I mean like what if I don't make any friends or like have anyone to hang out when I am not either preoccupied with a date or in the middle of a rose ceremony or something? Ok yep none of this is helping, I MISS HOME!

The Hummer pulled up and all I can see is the most amazing house like a bachelor pad or in this case a bachelorette pad. OH MI GOSH, "Harry Styles firstly you will go and introduce yourself to the bachelorette we will bring your bags with us and then you need to find the room you are put in, alright good luck and enjoy this season of the bachelorette" I am like shit grr I don't know what to say. Harry breathe now go and introduce yourself, I could back out now like why am I doing this. Harry you can do this now Be A MAN!

I walked up my paces slowing as I took in the surrounding, I see a gorgeous lady or girl standing in a white sparkly dress she looks absolutely stunning and I feel a little under dressed in my tux but thats ok. I walked up and plastered a fake smile on my face because under this much pressure I can feel cameras on me and I am just a little overwhelmed the fake smile just comes natural.

I held out my hand, "Hi I'm Harry" She looked gorgeous like even more up close. She flashed me her outstanding smile. "Hey, I'm Eleanor" I gave her a hug. "Sorry I am really nervous" she just gave me another embrace. "Don't worry so am I! I will see you inside" I headed off down a lit up path and into the building. Ok there are soo many handsome or whatever good looking guys, I don't stand a shot against these guys.

Louis POV

Right my nerves are bubbling at the seams like oh my dear lord of carrots. I got out and just did up my jacket this place is amazing like picturesque and everything like wow. I set a good speed as I approached the beautiful lady/girl whatever in a white dress she just looked so breath taking now this is what i am here for.

She pulled me in for a hug. "Eleanor" she also flashed me a smile she is honestly gorgeous, "Louis tomlinson" I picked her up. "Can just skip this whole thing and go on the honey moon?" I began walking away with her as she giggled. She wasn't fighting the Louis charm, I placed her back down. "I will see you inside" I gave her a killer smile and headed down the obviously lit path and into the house where there were around 15 other bachelors or good looking guys, some tough competition. I should go introduce myself because I need to have at least one friend to hang with.

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