Chapter 14 - Who Can You Trust?

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What Have I written! I have a feeling it's rubbish! SORRY IN ADVANCE! <3

Harry POV

Halfway through the ceremony and Louis and I are still standing here. Yep I always stand next to him, he is the only person who can calm my nerves. "My 8th rose is given to Louis Tomlinson" I smiled as he accepted his rose. Good on him, he deserves to be in this competiton as much as anyone else. He is perfect and suits Eleanor.

We carried on going yep 14th rose goes to Luke, yay! You can hense my sarcasm he is such an asshole. You know what if I go home, I don't actually care. I can't handle being around Louis much longer, my feelings seem to go up the whoop when he is around. If this was last week I would pretty much be bawling at the fact I am standing with Jackson and he is actually such a cool guy. If I end up going home right now I will be happy to go back and hang with Liam and Niall. I actually miss them alot more than I expected, I miss having Liam as my dad getting me ready which Louis has had to fill the shoes. 

I can feel a tear slipping down my cheek, I will miss Louis so much when I leave. He is like the bestfriend/brother I never had. I just remember to keep smiling, those guys on TV who bawl when they hit the last 2 look pathetic so I am not going to be one of those weirdos. I flick my gaze over to Louis and I wasn't exactly prepared to see him full out crying. People must think something is up with us, Last week i was crying at him in the bottom 2 and now he is doing the same. 

Just as I expected the cameras flicked over to Louis, aww babes! I just want to run over and give him a hug and tell him I will text him all the time and be rooting for him to win. "Louis, this rings of de ja vu" I laughed. "Well yeah, last week Harry and I were just in opposite positions." The camera man moved closer on Louis facials. "So Louis care to explain why this week you are crying?" That is such a hard question because you don't want to look like an utter dick on live television.

Louis POV

"To be completly honest, I would find this competiton extremly hard without him. No offence to any of you boys It's just he is the only guy I can trust well apart from Stan. I hang with Harry so much I haven't had a change to get to know any of you and I am sorry for that" the camera man was asking more questions, what did he want from me? "Explain your and Harry's friendship" What the actual fuck! "We are pretty much bestfriends you know he's my Haz and he is the most fun loving, caring guy and so carefree and just so spontaneous" I flashed Harry a wink only to realise he was pretty much bawling now. 

I know this isn't allowed but I went over and pulled him into my arms. "Hey, Hey shhhh" he sobbed into my chest. "Haz, stay strong you are going to get this rose" I smiled and walked back. Don't think anyone has done that on the show. I signalled Eleanor to carry on with the ceremony, I flashed her a pleading look which she didn't return any emotion. SHIT she is going to send him home. 

I felt someone pat my back, I looked up to see Stan squeeze next to me, "She will pick him Lou" he whispered in my ear. "How do you know?" I looked into his eyes pleadingly. "Jackson didn't have the best run with Eleanor to say the least" I let a smile creep onto my face hoping he was right. Eleanor paused like she was still deciding who to send home so the announcer bumped in. "This group of men seem to be pretty close, that's a first here on the Bachelorette but you have seen it here first, contestants that have become mutual friends" We all turned our attention back to Eleanor, Please Eleanor please don't send him home.

It was such a long break, "My final rose is awarded to..." My brain zoned out. Why would she send Harry home? What had he done? They kissed and harry had been so caring towards her. What had he done that upset her enough to make him in the bottom 2? Oh my god maybe she sees him as a threat seeing how close we are? NO please. I missed her read out the name but saw both Harry and Jackson hugging and bawling their eyes out. NOOO HARRRY! I started crying again. "what are you crying for mate?" Stan slapped my arm. "Harrys leaving" I sobbed harder. "Mate Harry got through" I looked up, "Seriously?" I looked back and sure enough Harry had the rose and headed over, I walked out from my spot and gave him a pretty crushing hug. "Thank god haz!" Eleanor looked a little upset about my hug outburst but who cares.

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