Chapter 24 - FWB

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Hello LOVES!

*Firstly, Thanks for all your votes! 12 votes YAY but 1 comment come on guys... Can you not like make an effort. If I don't get at least 7 comments I WILL NOT UPDATE and I am not joking

*Secondly RANT OVER but remember no comments no update....

*Thirdly You guys are amazing! Thanks for reading TBG

*Fourthly wow what a short AN today... HOPE you guys like this chapter, quite an interesting one so watch out...

*Fifthly now with your comment... Larry Stylinson are Banana Bashing with WeHeart1Dxo and TBG readers.... :D if you don't know what TBG is its the bachelorette games... hahah 

*Sixthly.. BYE GUYS! Love you all Don't forget about banana bashing with the comment.. xxx

Louis POV

I don't know what I said to Harry, all I do know is I meant it. There is no way we can have a relationship while on the show.... If Eleanor saw the clip of us kissing she is bound to send one of us home. I'm not ready to go home, I mean not for the fact I want to win Eleanors heart but the fact is well I have had a blast being on the show.

"All visitors need to report to the carpark" I slowly got up and realized we had all fallen asleep. Harry was resting on my lap. "Guys! Up, you guys are heading home" Everyone slowly stretched waking themselves up. "Aww I don't wanna leave, I feel like royalty" I helped Zayn pack up his stuff. "Aww shucks, I am gonna miss you LouLou. Just wanted to wish you luck with Harry" Zayn whispered in my ear. "Well that's only if he still wants me.."

Harry POV

"Don't leave me... I am gonna miss you two so much" I pulled them both into a hug. "I am not letting you go!" 

"Haz, you need to get in Louis pants you need to go" Niall shoved me. 

"Jesus just cauz you and Liam haven't done it in like 48 hours your really horny" I snapped back.

"Harry are you trying to embarrass us?" Liam growled.

"Aww you still love me LiLi" I pulled them both into a hug yet again. "Please don't leave me"

"Harry you need to do something with Louis I mean you guys are soo perfect" I nodded and watched them head into the car. "I LOVE YOU NIALLER and LILI" I yelled. Who cares who heard me. "We love you too! Text us!" I watched their car drive out of the lot. I felt myself starting to sob, I rubbed my eyes and began the walk back to my room. "Aw Haz your crying" I felt arms wrap around me.

"Sorry Lou, I just miss them" He nodded pulling me into a proper hug. "You will be seeing them soon, well not before you win Eleanors heart" OUCH that hurt. Obviously he doesn't want there to be an us. I just headed up the stairs ignoring Louis pleas. "Harry are you-" I heard Stan question me but I am not in the mood.

I slammed the door and got into my bed and let the sobs escape my mouth. How was i stupid enough to think he actually wanted anything to do with me. I shoved my ipod in and tried to get some sleep. It was seeming to work until I felt the space beside me dip down. "Haz what's wrong?" 

"Whats wrong, oh I don't know maybe my best friends just went home" I growled turning my back to Louis. "I'm not dumb Harry why are you in your bed sulking"

"I am not sulking thank you very much" 

"Alright I shall leave you alon-" Louis started but I interupted. "Sorry Lou, I just kinda thought there was a chance of being us you know after everything that had happened"

Louis looked at me confused. "I thought you didn't want there to be an us?"

"Are you kidding?"

"No, I thought after everything you wouldn't want to sneak around and It would be so confusing we are here for Eleanor and how would we fit our own relationship in? When we go back we are 3 hours apart and I just want to be with you but how is it going to work"

Louis was right, how would we fit it in. I mean you can't be on a show to be aiming to be the Bachelorettes husband and propose and yet here I am wanting a relationship with a fellow contestant. This is sooo fucked up.

"For you Harry I would do anything, if you want to give it a shot?"


"Yeah Haz" I felt Louis arms wrap around me putting us in a spooning position and his head was on my shoulder kinda.

"Do you want to be friends with benefits?" 

"WHAT?!" Louis pulled back and I turned around to face him.

"Well we can't exactly date while being on the show but we could be friends but do couply stuff behind the scenes and if we both don't get to the end we could try relationship even though we are 3 hours apart?"

"Oh I see, yeah I would love too. If I get to kiss those lips and spend time with you it's worth it" I am pretty sure I felt my heart flutter. I can't believe he actually said that. I felt myself slowly leaning in and his lips met mine and I swear I have that cliche feeling of fireworks. This friends wth benefits is certainly going to be fun....

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