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*long chapter ahead*

''Carlisle you will never leave me right?''

''Of course not dear!''


She was setting herself up. She knew it and still waited for his answer.

''I promise'' and with that, it was sealed by the hooking of their pinkies. As an uneasy feeling settles down in her stomach.


{Setting: In the church. It's pouring and she's staring outside sitting by a window}

Have you ever felt that there is something that's coming but you just don't know when it would occur? It's as if you're experiencing the calm before a storm. However, Eris wasn't calm and the storm that was up ahead was just the beginning of an upcoming tragedy.

Eris knew deep down inside that her time with Carlisle will soon be cut short. She can feel it. It was a dreadful feeling for she knew that Carlilse will be soon walking straight to his death, and she will be alone in this world again. She knew how his life played out and she was just witnessing how these events fall into place.

Her mother words came to mind. ''Do you know what your problem is? You can't live with the idea that someone might leave.'' She knew her mother was right but she would always say '' I can but it's the memories that were left behind that make it unbearable.''

During her time here. Carlisle was already starting to get busier as days go by. He was constantly being pressured by his dad. He knew that he won't be able to continue working with the church due to old age. He wanted his son to take over and make him proud by finishing what he started. He wanted his son to serve God by riding this world of evil.

The church strongly believes that supernatural beings are an abomination to the human race. It was as if they didn't take into consideration the fact that some were born into this life. That some didn't have a choice and had to come to terms with who they are. While a few knew that it came with a price. Plus, if they only knew that some were protectors and that some choose to live a lifestyle different from their original norms to fit in. However, to the church that's not the case. They strongly believe that supernatural beings defy the odds of normality in the world. That they will only bring destruction. They also make it seem as if what they're doing is a good thing by perceiving it in a way that they are doing God's work by riding evil and they're trying to make the people stay safe. They also implemented fear into whoever defies their actions so that they will have no mercy towards these beings and accept what the church is doing. By doing so they gain support in their actions and with the extra support, they were unstoppable.

Eris was aware of all of this. She knew she couldn't stop them. She couldn't stop him even though he didn't want to this. But, she knew she could at least warn him of the consequences and future that was set in stone for him. Eris didn't want to lose the next person in her life when she can change their faith. As selfish as it sounds she wanted Carlisle to stay with her and not continue with the church. She wanted him to be happy with his human life. She weighed out the possibilities but it was so thin that she had to be strong and accept that he will also be happy after he accepted his new lifestyle.

As the days go by and he got even busier. Eris spent the time distracting herself by doing more chores and tasks given to her by the other priest. She was hurt by the fact Carlisle sometimes doesn't even bat an eye her way. So most of the time she was spending time out of the church and taking tasks that will allow her to leave.

The Fourth Wall | J. HaleWhere stories live. Discover now