-ʟɪғᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏʀᴘsᴇs-

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The two kings were skeptical about the girl who suddenly showed up in their garden after years. However, their curiosity took over their skepticism, and they were intrigued by what she had to say. They almost felt protective over her but had no reason why. They both knew they needed Marcus here to confirm their suspicion that they might be connected to her somehow. Over time, they grew fond of the way she was different from the girls from their time. Which was due to the fact she isn't from their current period. She thinks it's probably early 1600 due to the way the Kings were currently dressed, but she remembered they dressed like that for decades.

They both watch her eat the cake in content grinning from ear to ear and vow to get her cake more along with her stay here. They had no intention to let her go because she made it clear she had nowhere to go due to the fact she didn't know how she got here in the first place. Plus, they didn't want to get hurt. So, they told her she could stay here with a price, of course. Which was to be an informant and their personal entertainer due to how knowledgeable and laid back she is. To her, it was like she was their personal lap dog, no puppy, but complied not wanting to set off Caius who was sipping blood wine at the other side of the table while conversing with Aro.

Eris felt deep inside that she would be stuck here forever for real this time. It was like there was no going back for her. Deep down inside, she hoped that was not the case. During her stay she here which is 3 days since they found her. She only spoke to the maid who kept her company and Aro and Caius, who would call her for dinner. Which consists of them sipping from their chalice while staring and making conversation with her and Eris actually eating food and complying.

This was till Marcus returned, and apparently, he brought company.

Eris Pov:

Silvia, the maid suddenly burst into my room. A dress in hand and pushed me to the bathroom. She told me to change into the dress she just bought. Apparently, I needed to dress appropriately because all the wives will be present, and Marcus believes in formality and punctuality, unlike the other two. Who made me wear whatever I pleased.

I then walk through the castle corridors. I'm already getting used to seeing the same scenery until an incident occurred. I already knew we were heading to the throne room. They requested an audience once in a while, so I had to be there.
Ugh, dear Lord, pray for me. I don't want to witness that again. My whole body took a screenshot. Short story, short, I caught them feeding. Chills run down my spine, remembering how fast they zoomed towards my direction, making me believe that I was going to be next, but they were just going to close the doors. They were being rude so about the situation. They slammed it in my face! Then laughed. Formality, my ass. Besides the point. I haven't been there ever since.

''I can continue alone from here, Silvia,' I told her. She simply nodded and walked the way we came from. She was used to me saying this. I didn't want anything to happen to her, so I kept her away from this section of this castle as much as possible. Even though I know it's pointless. She will be deemed important until she is not. Then she will be rid of.

The sound of my uncomfortable black heels clicking on the ground echoed through the castle till I reached in front of the huge and heavy-looking door. Accompanied by two guards, I can place a name to as of late. They pushed open the door with ease. Walking In I was welcomed by Aro, who was grinning, but I was not.

Dear Lord, not this again. I slap my hand onto my face. ''Really Aro? This is a bloody way to greet your guest.'' I say sarcasm dripping off of each word. He simply laughed it off and motioned me to follow. I was gonna start till I was hit by something that stained my beautiful white dress. As I looked down to see what it was, I turned towards who sent it, and there stood Caius grinning and waving at me with someone's arm in his hand. ''Caius, what convinced you that it would be a good idea. Did you have to hit me with a corpse leg? Was that really necessary?'' 

'' Necessary, no, hilarious, yes.  My apologies, I didn't see you there. You were wearing that hideous white dress that was making our dark nature seem so pure. It is too good to be worn here. Next time I suggest black... It is our color.'' He replied smugly while walking away following Aro.

 ''Hey!... Well, it was kinda funny, but it loses the funny when you realize you're being hit by a real corpse leg. Every damn time, "I replied while pouting following after them.

 "You're a psychopath," I mumbled. 

" I prefer creative!"

''Well dear, I believe your dress is lovely,'' a beautiful woman who appeared at my side said. As I looked at her, I knew who she was, ' Didyme.'' I said but immediately regretted it when I was flung to the side by some unknown force. '' Don't hurt the child!! She doesn't know better,'' Didyme scolded the guard as she rushed to my side, checking for any injuries. Now my dress was dirty and ruined now. My belly hurt, and blood was dripping down my forehead. Oh no.

I quickly looked up, meeting Didyme eyes. Who also realizes that I can't go meeting the kings like this. So she picked me up and zoomed in to her room, where she set me on her bed. She walked into the bathroom and came out with medical supplies. "Why do you-". "It's complicated. Now turn to the left,'' Didyme said, cutting me off.

 Then she flashed to a door that seemed to be a closet due to the dozens of clothes that were in there. She picked one dress out, then stared at it for a while, then tossed it to the side. And that's what she did for a while till she happily zoomed to me smiling, shouting this is the one. I put on the dress and realized it fit me perfectly, which was strange to how Didyme had a different build than me. 

I walked out, and she gasped '' I knew it would fit! Let's go before they think I made you my dessert.''. 

''You think that they will think that?'' I ask. 

''I know so,'' she replied while picking me up, and we headed to the throne room.

'Oh, It's good that you both can finally join us,'' Aro shouted with a smile on his face as always. Don't he get an ache from all that fake smiling? I can sense your fakeness from a mile away Aro. It's unhealthy, and you can ketch a cramp. Stop it. Wait, do vampires even catch cramps? 

''What are you think about so deeply, Eris? And I see you listened to my advice and wore black. I thought you wouldn't be joining us, and Didyme had dessert behind our back,'' Caius chipped in distracting me from my thoughts.

 I looked at Didyme, who was already watching me, and I laughed. ''You.. were right?'' I laughed out. She smiled.'' told you so.''

''Do care to share what's so funny my love,'' Marcus appeared who stood behind us looking at his wife lovingly while smiling, enjoying the fact that his wife was happy. 

'Oh, nothing dear. Come on. I bet Eris is hungry. We can't leave her starving now, should we? What a terrible host we would be?''

 I smiled, watching the two interact. Marcus was holding his wife by her waist, and he kissed her on the cheek while brushing a strand of hair from her face. I always felt bad for Marcus and what had happened to him. He lost his wife due to wanting freedom, but instead, he lost both his happiness and his will to live. That was something I didn't like Aro for. His greed. They both noticed me and straightened up and motioned me to follow them to the dining room. Still having to meet more people. I just want the food, to be honest. I'm starving.

What a long dinner this will be.


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