Puzzle Piece

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The Cullens sat around the table, waiting for Carlisle to return home. They'd been on edge ever since Alice couldn't see their future as clearly as before. The two new Harrisons that joined after her last vision were the most likely suspects. Plus, no matter how hard she tried, Harrisons' future kept giving her migraines, and whenever she looked deeper, she saw darkness.

"He is here," Esme said gaining everyone's attention. She walked towards the door and give her husband a welcome home kiss. When they made it to the table, it was then when serious theories started to flow.

"We believe it's the Harrisons' new adopted children who may be the cause," Edward stated. Emmett chimed in "Come on man, I doubt it's them. They seem pretty normal to me."

"I don't think so, love. I mean this started when they came into the picture. Plus, there is something about the girl," Rosalie added while hugging Emmett's arm.

Carlisle sighed. At the same time, he was wondering what their full names were so he can ask Jasper to get information on them, but of course, Edward was listening to his thoughts.

"It is Eris Harrison and Azriel Harrison if you are wondering," he answered. Carlisle's eyes widened at the mention of the girl's name. But he shut down his ideas of her being alive quickly. That was simply impossible. Edward being Edward caught all of that.

"Carlisle you know this person?" Edward asked in an alarming tone after hearing everything.

Carlisle shook his head, "No, I was thinking ...about someone else," he said. "What made you guys suspect them?" he asked afterward.

Jasper started off since he had the most "interaction" with her. "I can't feel her emotions. There was an altercation in history class, and I could've felt everyone's emotions except her's."

"Was that what she was talking about? I remember her saying something about not being able to answer a simple history question?" Emmett began by giggling.

"I mean, Jasper here even had to—" he came to a halt when Jasper nudged him to his side and told him to stop talking. He rubbed his side and pouted his lips at Jasper, stating that was uncalled for. Jasper ignored his complaints. After Rosalie comforted him, his smile came back again.

Edward decided to speak up, "I can't read her mind. I tried when we're in the cafeteria and when we were in class together. There was nothing. It was like...it was like she was thinking of nothing at all. I have never experienced this before Carlisle."

Carlisle allowed the information to soak in thinking that this was all, but then Jasper spoke up again.

"The most alarming thing of all....was that we can't hear her heartbeat, and we can't smell her. There is no scent at all, but she clearly has blood running through her veins-"

Jasper got cut off by Emmet mumbling " Yea she was red as a tomato in the Cafeteria when...."

Everyone look at him and he zip his mouth and locked it with a key. Then threw it away. Despite this, he manages to maintain a tight-lipped smile. Everyone laughed at his antics then turned back to the matter at hand.

"As I was saying. There is no way she is like us. It doesn't add up."

Alice's eyes lit up when she remembered something. "That's because she is not."

All eyes were now on her. Edward already caught onto what she was saying. So did Carlisle, because he was the one who told her.

"Are you saying that because you can't see her Alice?" Carlisle asked. The short-haired Cullen nodded in response.

"Carlisle told me a few years back that my gift was limited to those who are humans and those who are vampires. This is because I was only a human and now a vampire. I was never what she was. For example, I was never a shifter. That's why I can't see the wolves." She explained. Rosalie scowled at the thoughts of wolves.

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