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She stretched her hand out, stretching it into the warm open air. Eris was lying on the green prickly grass enjoying the sun as it soaked into her tan skin. She loved living in the Caribbean. The sun, the flowing river, and the tropical breeze always put a beaming smile on her face.

It was a sunny afternoon, and Eris was currently in her family's garden reading her guilty pleasure, '' twilight.'' She was visiting her grandmother and grandfather in the countryside because she wanted to get away for a while and enjoy the fresh air.

Eris had dark brown eyes that shone a honey color in the sun and dark brown curly hair that had hints of red in it. Her tan brown skin glimmer in the sunlight. She wasn't too skinny, nor was she fit. Eris was in between since she loved to eat, but then and again, who didn't? Even though she was just 14 years old, she thought she was very small for her age.

She closed her book and stared up admiring the white clouds and the beautiful red and blue hue that came along with it. Eris was always a sucker for sunrise and sunsets since they had a beautiful significance, showing that it was the end and starting point of a new day. 

As the bird's chirp, she let out a sigh. She was sad that she had come to the end of her book for the fifth time. She was enjoying her time out in the open since it had been forever due to her past infirmity, which was taking every bit of humanity she had left, and made her drown herself into a deep solitude. However, she was finally feeling better after so long. 

She always wondered if her life would have been different if she had not been seen as someone so fragile and weak. If she was more open to the fact and accept that she was going to eventually die. If she was more extroverted, she could've at least made a friend or two. But no, here she was lying in the grass all alone, enjoying her peace and quiet  and never-ending misery.

Most days, she found herself liking books more than people because books would never lie to her. They would never make her feel an emotion she wasn't ready to willingly feel, and her books would never leave her since it was up to her to give up on the book or not. Eris finds herself drifting in and out of people's lives quite often like a feather in the breeze. She never used to make any deep connections because she knew that they would always leave. She was always scared of holding onto those that she may lose someday. 

Eris tends to always come out as a void person who rarely shows her  feelings. This is because she never had to spend time to express herself. 

''Eris Evangeline Martinez' yelled an angry and worried Mrs. Martinez, as she looked for her daughter.

Evangeline hurried, grabbed her book, and headed inside to start her chores. She needed to fill the pail with water so she could start. She hated this task since she knew that it would be hard due to how small and wide the well is.

Even though she was visiting, she insisted on helping around by assisting in doing some chores.

''Be careful hija you know the area by the well is very slippery, and you can easily fall in. Are you sure you don't want me to do it? Your grandma wanted you to help her with this task. I was telling her to let you do something else, but she disagreed. Please remind me to make your dad fix that well. Are you sure you can handle it?''

Eris nodded her head, earning a sigh from her mother as she started to head up to the well. She put her headphones in and selected one out of her never-ending amount of playlist.

Eris slowly and carefully walked closer, leaving a little distance, so she didn't fall in. When she was close enough, she started to hook the bucket onto the hook and flung the bucket into the dark well . She turned around so she could sit and wait till she heard the bucket hit the surface of the water. However, she didn't hear anything. She peered over the well, looking to see if the bucket had hit the surface. 

Eris waited and waited. She prepared herself to get up, but a force pushed her. Making her lose her balance. She lost her grip on the sides due to how slippery it was and started to fall straight into the deep well.

It happened so fast that she didn't even have time to scream as she was dragged into the cold well. To make matters worst  she couldn't swim.

During the fall, she had closed her eyes, waiting to feel herself being plunged into the cold depth of the well. Waiting for her pending doom. She was wishing that she could've been somewhere better when she dies and that place would be reincarnated in a world like twilight, or maybe she would be in the worlds of one of the many mangas she had read. 

She waited to feel the cold water. She waited to try and see if she could grab onto something when she had reached the end. Not only that, but she waited to see if she was going to be fighting for her life, but nothing came. Instead, she opens her eyes, feeling water finally seeping through her clothes. Eris finds herself in shallow water staring towards the surface. Quickly, She pulled herself up to the surface, gasping for air.

Looking around, she realizes she wasn't even in a well anymore, but she was in a small pond in the forest now staring straight into a man's deep blue eyes.


Do you love it so far? Can you guess who the blue-eyed person is?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'm excited to finally start progressing more into the plot of the book!!

Pls, remember to vote!! Thank you <3

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