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Hi, It's been a while :)

How are you? Is school going well for you?

This is a sign for you to know that you are doing your best!!! Fighting!

Enjoy :3


The sound of heavy panting filled the air. Sounding as if someone was just catching their breath after holding it for so long. A person had just woken up from what seemed like a long dream in a different reality that was so perverse  it felt real. 

Her lids slowly started to peer open. She slowly sat up to stretch her neck that was aching due to how bad she had slept.  

Eris rubbed her eyes and frantically looked around, noticing something was different about her setting. 


Her eyes met the familiar yellow walls that surrounded her. They were old photos placed in glass frames that hung on the wall. Her eyes travel along with the furniture that was in the room, finally connecting it to a window. The sunlight was beaming through as the wind made the curtains flutter. Because of the sudden contact, her eyes started to burn.  The sunlight was directly in her face, making her vision turned black. She felt as if she had gotten blind for real this time. As if having glasses wasn't enough of a bother. 

Eris sprung up in disbelief. She was back, and the nostalgic feeling of being back home made her homesickness suddenly disappear.  A single tear slides down her cheek as she looks up to the ceiling to contain her tears.  

Her room was not typical, you would say girly girl setting. Her walls were yellow, and her floor had black and white wavy designed tiles. Nothing in her room matched, but what brought it out was how organized and colorful it was. It had her own personal touch. 

Eris slides herself out of bed, and her feet meet the stone-cold floor as she strides her way towards the door. Hesitantly, she twisted the doorknob and was welcomed by the sight of her dad sending her warm smiles to her mother as they were happily chatting together about something. Noticing her presence, he sent a warm smile her way and motioned her to sit down to enjoy breakfast. 

Everyone in the household was acting as if she had never left ,so she came to the conclusion that all she had just gone through was just a dream. A too realistic dream. 

A grin was eminent on her face as she was happy to see her mom and dad. She was happy that she was home.

However, as soon as the grin came, a thought coarse through her mind. How did she end up in her room in the first place?  The last thing she remembered was that she was plummeting straight to her death. But, here she was enjoying breakfast and happily chatting along with her parents. To her, it felt so unreal. Which is very ironic.

'' Moma, what day is it?'' she asked, catching her mother's attention.

'' Ummm, hmm lemme se-''

''It's January 6 hija.'' her dad said, cutting her mother shortly. Her mother playfully hit her dad in response.

''Oh. Thank you. " 

Her dad notices that she was deep in thought and decided not to pry anymore. Not wanting to interrupt her and continued to chat with his happy wife.

During the course of the day, Eris would find herself spacing out. She had just discovered that it had been 5 months since they had visited her grandparents in the countryside. What made it even weirder was that she didn't remember anything that happened in the last five months and was internally panicking at first. However, slowly but surely the time she would space out  and she will recall a memory that had occurred during the duration of those five months. 

What made it weird was the comments her father passed.

''Eris, did your eyes get darker?''

She looks at her dad, who is currently playing Uno with her. ''No dad. My eyes have always been a dark brown color unless you're talking about when I'm in the sun.''

''Hmm, It's probably the sun.'' He said and continued to play. 

She thought that she was just overthinking things and was being paranoid, so she let it go.

She spent the few days recollecting her thoughts. In the end, after all of the  ''what if'' that she was thinking about suddenly didn't matter. None of them were supported by any factual proof. 


Enjoy this short chapter

I really wanted to put out something. 

I've been really busy with school and it's killing me. 


The Fourth Wall | J. HaleWhere stories live. Discover now