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TW: Use of phrase that was not meant literally, but as a joke. Will be underlined

After a long and tiring ride, we had finally arrived. I stood in front of an old victorian wooden house that is going to be home for the rest of my life till they kick us out.  It was really beautiful. Breathtaking actually.  It was astonishing to see forks in real life. It was very cold and windy. My thin jacket barely providing the warmth I dearly seeked.  Seeing that I was struggling with my suitcase Azriel gave me a helping hand. We approached the teal looking door and knocked three  times. After knocking on the door, we were greeted with two vibrant smiles. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. They welcomed us with open arms, and started small talk while letting us in.

 So far, I learned that they owned a Cafe down the street. After a long chat, they both showed us to our rooms. Leaving us to get comfortable.  Even though the house was decorated in a Victorian style, Azriel and I had a fairly modern themed room. My room was a beautiful light purple. There was a large victorian window that looked out onto the forest, and the room was surrounded by various paintings. It was beautiful. I would assume Azriel liked his as well since he smiled when seeing it. He was grinning from ear to ear.

After unpacking, which didn't take long since we didn't have much, we sat in the living room talking about what we will do tomorrow while enjoying tea. 

Mrs. Harrisons is a lovely lady, but her husband gives me the chills. He tends to stare and it is unsettling. Maybe it is just me. I excused my self and head to the hall. Taking out the number Kaito's parents gave us I dialed the number on the home phone after I had asked Mrs. Harrison if I can use it. After hearing it ringing for a few seconds, a familiar hello was heard on the other end of the line. 

"Hello, Kaito."


TW: Use of phrase that was not meant literally, but as a joke. Will be underlined

After my long conversation with Kaito, I was tired. Azriel took over and I head to my room ready to retire. When my head hit the pillow on that bed it felt so amazing. It was so nice and comfortable that I could sleep here all day. 

Now that I have time to think, it was dawning on me that we are starting school in three days since today is a Friday. 

Please kill me. 

Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying. School is not a problem for me. Heck, I'm an A+ student and a student with a 4.0 average. However, the pain to start from the top all over again is what is killing me. I can't even complain since it makes sense. The school system is different here.

I am a 14-year girl starting her first year in high school.......Again. A knock at my door jolted me out of my thoughts, and I told whoever it was to come in. Azriel peered through the door, holding a bag of cookies that the advising lady had given us. It was a departing gift apparently. How sweet. Speaking of sweet this cookie is sugary, but overall really delicious.

"Hey Eris are you ready for school on Monday?" he asked. Breaking the silence and munching away.

I looked at him and sighed. "I think I am. I mean it won't be the worst. Trust me." He looks at me and smiled.

 "If you say so. Plus, how would you know? You haven't even gone to the school yet. Yet alone meet the people there," he said while chuckling.

 I mean, he's not entirely wrong, but who am I to tell him that I know the entire storyline of this drama and that we're simply supporting characters? So instead I just shake my head and agree. After that we called it a day and went to sleep after taking a shower and cleaning up.

The Fourth Wall | J. HaleWhere stories live. Discover now