A book or two

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Long chapter:

The strong smell of rain-wrapped forks like a blanket as it poured down heavily. Eris enjoyed this type of weather. It represented how she felt at the moment. She was starting to get tired of her way of living in this quiet town. She was missing home. Her homesickness would double as the days go by. Eris would count the droplets that would fall on the window sill while she was sitting on the bus to keep herself distracted. It was time like these she felt alone more than ever.

Azriel couldn't even keep her company since most of the time he was so busy with the football team. Not that she mind. He tried out for the team a few weeks back and Eris sat through the whole thing to give him emotional support. Turns out he was a natural and they offered him a spot right away. She was happy for him of course, but she can't help feeling lonely. He was fitting in so well, but she still felt like an outcast.  Either way, she knew she was. Despite the fact that everyone seems to know who she is, but she couldn't match the names of those who are acquainted with her to their face no matter how much she tried.  They are a few she would make conversations with here and there, but none of them were interesting enough to stay. Most times they were trying to find information about her or they would ask her about her brother.

Occasionally, she would have small talk with Rose and Alice. They eventually opened up to her and they would talk when they have a class together. Some people would even say that they were friends. Rosalie and Alice thought they were despite their brother's protest. They just hoped Eris would think the same. She would sometimes try to not talk to them, but later feel bad because she thought she was being rude. But eventually, she would give in. After school, she would meet up with Alice for the project. It was all going along smoothly, and just a few details needed to be added in order for them to be done. 

However, today was different. She was silent as ever. Azriel noticed this after his practice and gave her space. Even Rose and Alice noticed the change in her cheery mood and decided to let her be, but later gave the boys an earful. Today was different from her usual routine. Since it was a Friday, she had clubs for her last period. They had finally set up the clubs to be available for the newbies, and today is the day to choose their club of interest. 

 She looked at so many clubs but none of them suited her interest. She nearly tried to go into cheerleading but after a few pushes from the girl who help her on her first day, whom Eris couldn't even bother to remember the name of,  She decided that she is not cut out for it since she knew her anxiety would peak at the thought of doing those stunts in front of people.  She tried the film club next. Long story short it is not something she wishes to partake in. Improv wasn't her forte either. Eris went on to the cooking club, chess club, dance club, and the list go on, but  She didn't like either of them. 

She was hoping to join the art club but was stopped at the door and was told that there was no more space since the club has reached its limit. This made her even sadder, but she tried to muster a smile and reassured her teacher that it was ok.  Apparently, she didn't try enough and her teacher look at her with sympathy. Eris thought this was utterly unfair. She overheard her classmates discussing how they wanted to join art because they get school merits merely for doing nothing. Eris believed that the slots should be reserved for individuals who are truly enthusiastic about the group.

The book club was her final hope. She was surprised to see the familiar honey-blond hair she had the privledge of seeing every day in class. Despite the fact that he was her favorite Cullen, she influenced herself to not feel as thrilled to see him here. Though he did make her mood lighter with his presence. When a club mentor noticed her, he inquired whether she was interested, and she answered with a quiet yes while avoiding eye contact with the staring Hale in the room who had just noticed her.

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