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At this moment she knew it was over. A man dressed down head to toe extravagantly was sitting in the room. It was as if he was awaiting her arrival. The moment she entered the room an amused and sly grin was plastered on his face.

He stared at her uninterested in this whole ordeal. A glass of what smelled and looked like bourbon was in his hand. Eris notices the way he would stir his glass making the ice make a clinking sound whenever it made contact with the glass, and his sleek black hair and piercing blue eyes complemented his appeal.

A human? She thought.

The man stood up. Making his slow time gliding towards her. When he took a step forward she took one step back. This continued till her back was against a wall. He cocked his head to the side and looked at her. He analyzed her. Every breath that was released broke her facade she had placed up to remain fearless. He noticed all of this.

A sigh was let out, and he threw a pendant into her hand. Eris barely caught it in time.

''The ballroom entrance is that way,'' he said pointing down the hall. ''Next time don't tell a millennium-old king that the ball his wife helped plan is boring. How stupid can you be?'' Eris looked at him in disbelief still rooted in place. He caught my stare and rolled his eyes.

''Don't be stupid and stand there. Go!''

Not wasting any second. Eris ran out of the room, and she dashed down the dark hall gripping onto the pendant.

She wondered why he gave her it. It was a beautiful silver pendant that holds a blue and silver lining in it. In the middle, a cursive letter was encrusted. It was a ''D.'' She wondered if it was the first letter in his name.

She let out a breath of relief when she saw the end of the hall. Her eyes glimmering in hope. However, her sight was soon blocked by a vampire who had jumped in front of her out of nowhere. She covered her mouth to halt her scream. It was as if she won't catch a break. The vampire looked around and through her. This puzzled her. She waved her free hand in front of his face.

No reaction.

She glanced at the pendant momentarily. Eris finally realizes why she was given the pendant. As she mentally thanked her savior she continued heading to the entrance.

There were 10 seconds left.

She burst through the door earning the onlookers' attention. She looked back smirking aware of the fact they can't see her.

She did it.

Furthermore, Eris removed the necklace and placed it in her pocket. The wives gasped in shock as everyone can finally see her. The hunters were mad that she had won. They couldn't believe they let a mere mortal defeat them. Caius was pleased and disappointed. He sized her up checking her. He then closed his eyes and took in a deep and unneeded breath.

''That was very entertaining Caius we should not do this again sometimes,'' Eris told the pissed king in front of her even though she didn't really mean what she said. She hoped that he will never let her do this shenanigan again. However, A beautiful smile was gracing her lips showing the opposite of her true thought. This made him even madder.

Throughout the castle afterward, the maids talk about the event saying a brave lamb has met her match with a ferocious lion. The lamb came out victorious while the ferocious lion succumbs to her wishes. The lamb didn't wish for anything but rather wished to have her wish kept. The lion was annoyed but agreed to do so.

She excused herself afterwards, so she could retire to her room.

The moment she stepped out of the lion's den. The ferocious lion unleashes its wrath on its allies. One by one screams were heard. The lamb smirked and continued her way to her room.

The Fourth Wall | J. HaleWhere stories live. Discover now