Wasted Revelation 1

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"Honey, can you please set these over there?"

"Sure. Hand them over Miss Harrison." Eris set the big platter on display and head over to get the next one.

Eris was helping Mrs. Harrison in their Cafe today. She would assist them by setting the tables, clearing them, and making pastries. Eris has been doing this for a few weeks now. She enjoyed working in the Cafe. It was really cute and welcoming. It seemed to be a local hotspot in Forks since most people from her school would come here during their free time and even those from the Rez. 

The Harrisons enjoyed her company and they were glad she was willing to help out even though they told her she didn't need to. However, today they noticed a slight change in her usual behavior. Today she seemed in the blues rather than her bubbly personality. Mr. Harrison noticed it and nudged his wife to go talk to the young teen.  Thinking that girls would understand girl issues best. 

"Sooo. Boy problems?" Mrs. Harrison started cracking a joke.

Eris looked at her surprised and started to laugh. She knew Mrs. Harrison was joking.

"No. No boy problems," Eris responded and sighed.

Mrs. Harrison looked at her and was waiting for her to continue, but she never did. She noticed the teen was so lost in thought she nearly poured the hot tea on her hand.

"Ok. Let's take five. Follow me." She looked at Mrs. Harrison confused.

"I hope you have space in that tummy of yours for cake."

Eris heard this and her eyes lit up. She loved the pastries they serve here. It was delicious and this was all thanks to Mr. Harrison who makes all of them. She set down the kettle and followed behind miss Harrison, she noted another worker what they would be doing so they can take over.  She followed the old energetic lady all the way to the kitchen in the back.

"Ok, here it is. Our famous cheesecake," she watched as she brought a huge glass platter that sat a beautiful cherry cheesecake on top. 

Mr.s Harrison took two spoons out, "Let's dig in!"

"Are you sure this is ok-"

Eris stopped half because Mrs. Harrison had already put a spoonful of cake in her mouth. She nearly choked from laughing so hard at the gesture. Mrs. Harrison patted her on the back and laughed along with her.

 After a few slices, she started again, "So talk to me. What's been on your mind"

Eris found it hard to tell this to the person who was giving them a place to stay. She didn't want to seem ungrateful. She was grateful for all they have done and provided them.  It was just there was still this formality that she knew they still have between them. Eris wasn't all comfortable with staying with them at first and she still isn't. They could always send them away any day and say they don't want to cater for them anymore. Despite all the efforts to be stoic she can't help but soften up for these people. 

"I don't know. I've been feeling ...lonely lately?" She replied scooping a huge piece of cake in her mouth. Hoping this will help her somehow feel better.

The older lady turned towards Eris and just nods.

"I know that it's been a while since we came here to Forks. I am glad Azriel is making friends and all, but sometimes I know I am being selfish for wanting his company all the time. I know it is my fault in the first place for being so self absorb and wanting to keep him to myself all the time, but I thought that would fix things. That it would be just like what we had promised. Sometimes I would think to myself and wonder is it really bad to want a friend or two here and actually try to settle down. Instead of thi-.......Instead of trying to push everyone away. Instead of having to worry about every little thing. "

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