Unforgettable faces

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Eris :

Crying. The tears of sorrow and fear laced these young kids' voices. Such horror no one should hear. A child should never be crying like this. It was completely unacceptable. Those who put them here are probably grinning enjoying every moment of this. They would simply bring more of us and hear them cry out and say "oh that's mean. let's do it again."

It's not like we did not try. We did. We tried so hard for the sake of everyone. We searched and looked, but it was pointless. Every day Azriel would sit beside me in silence and hold my hand and I allow him to.  I never panicked or fret. I simply provided them with every ounce of comfort they needed. Little did I know I was the one who was keeping them all sane.

Till one day it was like God had finally heard their cries and prayers.  We were woken up by what seems like the sounds of a siren. It was the police. They grabbed us one by one directing us to a huge aircraft. 

"Who is the oldest one here!!" One of them asked startling us.

Azriel,  Kaito, and I raised our hands. They later asked us to do a headcount of everyone, so they don't leave everyone behind. After, assisting them we were taking off. Some kids emotionally look through the window. Others were hugging each other. Their eyes were full of tears. We told them about the children who went missing. They told us some were found, but the glances between them made my stomach churn. A bad feeling came over. I didn't like that look.

After reassuring us that we are now safe. We took off in the helicopter. Everyone looked through the windows finding it hard to believe that is truly happening. It was over and fatigue took over as everyone huddle up together and fell into a deep slumber.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound of the monitor was all that I heard when I woke up.

I am in the hospital, aren't I?

Opening my eyes, I was face to face with Azriel who look relieved to see me awake. Looking down I realize he probably held onto my hand the hold time after seeing how red they were. We both smiled at each other. Kaito was sleeping in the bed the next to mine. He looked so tired and yet so peaceful. I am glad and happy were are safe. However, the moment was short-lived when an officer and a lady in a suit walked in.

"Hello, My name is Lizzie and this is Officer Rohan. We were the ones who issued the rescue mission to save you guys. We are just here to receive some information so we can take you back to your parents," the pretty lady said waking up Kaito

I held my head down low.

Parents? I don't even know if I can go to my parents. Even if I wanted to go back I can't.  They simply don't exist here...

Sensing my change in mood Azriel told them everything I told him. The stories about me not remembering anything and how he and I got there. Kaito also stayed silent during that process.


They kept us in the hospital for 6 days so far. Apparently, we were very malnourished and were in a dire need of a changed diet.  Many children had therapy sessions and counseling sessions to attend. We would always join each one of them so they were comfortable enough to talk. Azriel, Kaito, and I declined their offer. We weren't comfortable sharing. Plus, we knew this opportunity will benefit the younger ones more.

During those six days, we discovered that they were trying hard to find our families. The kids under my supervision already were back with theirs. After a few more days, It was only Kaito, Azriel, and I who were left. One by one we watch them reunite with their family. We watch all of them go with a smile. We were happy. I mean I was. It brought me joy to see these kids happy again. I would go to the ends of the earth over and over to take care of them just so they can be this happy.  We stay a little while to chat with their family members who would thank us for being there to help their child. Kaito would glance our way once in a while and then walk away. He wasn't fond of this process so they would let him stay inside.

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