The eavesdropper trap

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(No offence is intended in this chapter if you're easily offended :) )

Bruno's POV

" So... they're professional eavesdroppers you say?" Aliana asked quietly with mischief shining in her eyes.

"Yeah they are," I whispered back.

"Oh," she smiled. "So... how'd you enjoy my company yesterday?" She asked a little louder than her normal tone.

"It was nice," I smiled.

"Did you enjoy the touching?" She smirked, momentarily glancing at the door.

I looked at her with a questioning look before I caught on to what she was doing.

"Oh yeah... I would love for you to touch me like that again baby," I growled, seductively.

"Mhm? Well, no one can know about this babe," she said in her sexy tone as well.

Damn... she's good...

"Follow my lead," she whispered.

I nodded in response.

She suddenly let out a loud moan and I did the same.

"Aye papí! Rapido!" She yelled loudly.

The weird thing was that neither of us were even touching each other.

At least I have things to look forward to when we really do it ;)

"Oh my God guys this is a stu-" Phil burst through the door suddenly and slowed down when he saw us in the same positions as he left us in the room."-dio... What the...?" He was baffled by what just happened.

Kam, Phredley, Jam and Ryan followed, looking confused as well.

Aliana and I just erupted into laughter.

"Gotcha!" I managed to get out through my laugher.

"B-but you guys were.... I heard...we heard..." Kameron stammered, trying to process what's going on. "Aww hell naw! Y'all played us!" He finally gathered.

"And we took the bait didn't we?" Ryan and Jamareo said at the same time.

"Jinx b*tch, you owe me a Starbucks," Jam said to Ryan.

"Starbucks up your ass," Ryan sassed back. "What are you? A white chick?"

(*no offence if you're white :) )

"Guys, this is no place for a fight. Ain't nobody need two Sharkeishas in this world," Phil laughed.

Everyone laughed at his comment.

"Damn right. Oh damn, now I want Starbucks," I said.

Aliana's POV

"I'll go buy it. Just tell me what you want and give me your money," I said.

They all gave me their orders and I recited them in my head to remember them. Thank god for my quick memory. As I went on my way to Starbucks, I had the strange feeling that someone was following me. I turned around to see if I was being followed but saw no one suspicious.

"Ok t-" I was cut off by a pair of small hands, probably those of a female's, that wrapped around my mouth and dragged me forcefully into an alley close by.

I wriggled violently, trying to escape but this person was strong.

But I'm stronger...

I bit down hard on the attacker's hand and she shrieked in pain. While she was distracted by the pain I attempted to back kick her but she caught my foot and threw me on the ground. I luckily fell on my hands and jumped back up to fight her. I came face to face with a wild looking blonde chick with big blue eyes. I scrounged up my face trying to see if I know her. Unfortunately, I did not. She threw a punch that I dodged and I b*tchslapped her. She stumbled a little bit, stunned, then air kicked me right under my chin, making me fall. She then came over me, smiling triumphantly. I felt adrenaline rush through me, giving me the courage to fight back. I swiped my foot and tripped her, making her fall on her face. She lay on the ground, groaning in pain.

"Who the hell are you?" I screamed at her, impatiently waiting on her answer.

She still made painful sounds, ignoring my question. My anger rising, I kicked her hard in the side and yelled, "F*cking answer me!"

A sound startled me at the end of the ally, distracting me from my knocked down opponent; giving her the chance of escape.

"Dammit! Come back here!" I shouted at the mystery girl as she ran.

She disappeared around the corner from my line of sight.

I walked out of the dark ally and continued my unfinished errand. I checked my pockets to see if she robbed me or anything. To my relief, the money was still there.

"Oh thank God," I sighed.

The painful cuts and bruises were now burning like hot coal. I had a dark blue spot on my chin and a bruise on my cheek but no other damage was done.

"Why am I constantly getting into fights?" I mumbled to myself.

As I was walking into the store, my mind was thinking hard about what the guys wanted because I kinda forgot their orders after the little attack when I bumped into someone's muscular frame. I was so unfocused that I fell.

"Carajo! (Sh*t!) Maldita sea! (Damn it!)"I brushed off myself as I got up.

"Aliana?" A masculine voice asked.

"Brad? Hey what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Never mind that. What happened to you?" He asked, gesturing to my cuts and bruises.

"Self defense," I simply stated, entering the store.

"Self defense?" Brad questioned.

"Yes Brad. Someone attacked me not too long ago but I whooped their ass," I answered.

"Damn... what's up with that?" He asked.

"I honestly don't know," I replied.

That's when I looked through the window of the store and saw a familiar face.

"Antonio?!" I whispered to myself in shock.


Hey there!

Thnx for the reads guys! You are truly amazing!

Also thanks for leaving your comments and voting.

Sorry for mistakes.

Love ya!


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