Seeing things?

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Aliana's POV

" Who?" Brad asked.

I rubbed my eyes and looked through the window again.

He wasn't there.

I shakily let out a breath I'd been holding in.

Greeeaaat... now I'm seeing things.

Who knows what he'd do if he found me? He probably trained and got fit just so that he could kick my ass and  finally get what I've been keeping from him.

My virginity that is.

"No one," I replied in a sigh. "I'm gonna go order, it was nice talking to you."

"Whoa, we didn't even have a proper conversation," Brad argued.

"Ok then talk to me in the line or wait until I'm finished ordering," I told him.

"I'll wait," he replied.

After I made my order I decided to sit and talk with Brad a little.

"Well?"I asked, waiting for him to start the conversation.

" I think... something happened to Vanessa," he said with a sober face.

" What do you mean? What makes you say that?" I asked.

" It's a hunch. Plus she would've at least called me if she had made it safely to the UK.

"Oh my gosh... are you sure?" I asked, anxious to hear more.

" I just have a feeling," he replied softly.

"You love her don't you?" I asked him I a small voice.

"Well... yeah..." he answered.

" And you kissed me, flirted with me, technically took me on a freaking date while you were with her while she was in a relationship?!" I raised my voice in anger.

" Aliana I-"

"What if I was stupid enough to fall for you?" I was basically shouting now.

"You're making a scene,"Brad told me in a harsh whisper.

I looked around the restaurant to see all eyes on me. I turned red with embarrassment.

"You know what? You can take your job and shove it up your ass for all I care," I growled as I stood up.

" You don't mean that, you're just angry," Brad said.

I bit the inside of my cheek, realizing that he was right. I needed this job. Throwing it away over something stupid like this would be well... stupid.

"You're right... I'm sorry for the outburst, bye," I said and marched out of Starbucks with everybody's attention on me.

I made a peace sign in the air for the fun of it dispite my anger earlier as I went through the door.

Bruno's POV

" I'm back!" I heard Aliana's beautiful voice yell.

"Finally!" Everyone said as they went to where she was.

We all stopped in our tracks as we saw her bruised up face.

"What happened?!" I could've sworn everyone said at once.

"I kinda got attacked but I dealt with it the best way I could," she shrugged.

I looked at her with an 'are you crazy' look and asked, "Attacked?! What do you mean attacked?"

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