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Aliana's POV


Of all the people what's he doing here?!

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he's here in a way, but still...

How did he find us?

"Aliana I'm here to bust you outta here!" He said in a harsh whisper and briskly walked over to my weak body to untie the knots of my rope. He went over to Emilia and did the same thing.

I try to stand, but that resulted in failure as my legs were weak from lack of circulation.

"Ugh," I groaned as I felt dizziness wash over me and then I toppled over. I felt strong arms catch me before I could hit the cold hard ground.

"Emilia, rub her joints so that her circulation comes back to her feet," he ordered Emilia.
"And where are you going?" Emilia asked as she ran over to me to rub my ankles.

"To take care of some unfinished business,"he answered in a cold monotonous voice.

Unfinished business? What is he talking abou-

Wait! Is he seeking revenge for Vanessa's death?

"Brad, don't do anything you'll regret," I called out to him.

He turned and looked at me, eyes red with anger and pain, then simply went to the other room that Antonio was in.

Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me, but I could've swore I saw the butt of a gun poking out from his pocket. My eyes widened in the realization of what he was gonna do.

Brad no!

A few minutes after he after he disappeared into the room I heard Antonio's loud voice shout," What!? How the f*ck did you get in here?!" followed by a loud crash.

Emilia and I froze in fear, hoping that the one person who could come to our rescue didn't get hurt. Suddenly the two men busted into the room engaging in a vicious fist fight.

I felt a little stronger than before despite my thirst, hunger and tiredness so I decided to stand up so I didn't feel so vulnerable and helpless.

The men were still exchanging blows until Antonio kicked Brad's gun from his pocket. Using Brad's distraction as an opportunity, Antonio kneed him in the stomach and pinned him to the ground. Brad wriggled and squirmed to free himself but Antonio was too strong.

I have to do something to help! But I'm still too weak to fight.

I gathered the remaining strength and concentrated on my objective: to take down Antonio. Once my goal was set in my mind I carried it out. I ran over to Antonio and kneed him hard in his ribcage. He rolled off of Brad with a grunt of pain.

"Eres un hijo de puta!!(You son of a b*tch!") Die!" I yelled in anger as I repeatedly kicked him on various places on his body.

Adrenaline rushed through my body as his blood began to splatter across the front of my shoe. My mind kept telling me that I did enough damage, but my body kept kicking him. It felt... good.

"Aliana!" a male voice brought me back to reality. "Stop that, I think it's enough!"

Enough? Enough?! He has no right to tell me to stop! I merely gave him a makeover! He was gonna blast his f*cking brain out!

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