Meeting my client (2)

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Aliana's POV

I was deep in my thoughts, thinking about how Brad behaved earlier. Why is he hitting on me? Isn't he the one who said I shouldn't date co-workers or clients? So what the hell is his problem? My thoughts were disturbed when the door opened, revealing a handsome, short, caramel skinned man wearing a fedora.

Bruno Mars!

I felt like screaming but I kept it together. He was just staring at me with his mesmerizing chocolate-brown eyes that I tried not to get trapped in. There was probably an akward silence but we were so lost in each other's eyes that we couldn't tell.

"Oh I see you've met your assistant, Aliana,"Brad said, disturbing the moment as he entered the room.

"Hola- sorry, I meant hi,"I nervously choked out as I got up and walked towards Bruno, sticking my hand out for him to shake.

"Oh you're Spanish?" He smiled and asked.

"Puerto Rican," I corrected, this time with a smile.

"Oh, nice," he replied.

"And I'll try my best not to scream or freak out around you... of course that doesn't mean I won't do it behind your back," I joked.

"Ok, that's good to know," he replied with a little laugh.

If he smiles one more time, his dimples will kill me. Bruno started staring at me again making my cheeks heat up but Brad ruined it.

Dammit Brad!

"Well Aliana, remember the rules, especially the dating one," he said.

Ok, now he's just being a little b****. Can't blame him though... Bruno's pretty sexy if you ask me, but sadly, I can't date him.

"So, um, since you're my assistant, we'll need to keep in touch with each other so give me your number," he said in a serious tone.

"Ok," I replied after hesitating a little then we switched numbers.

I don't know why I'm so scared of giving people my number.

"So let's get to know each other better," I suggested, taking a seat.

"Um, ok," Bruno said, "Well, you know my father's actually Puerto Rican." He continued, taking a seat as well.

"Oh really? That's awesome!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah and my mom's Filipino," he said again but a little quieter.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but did she..."I trailed off, not wanting to say 'die'.

"Yeah...yeah she did," he replied in a sober way, not that he was drunk or anything.

You could tell that he loves her and deeply misses her. I could sense it in his voice.

"Hey, cheer up, she's still here with us, you just can't see her," I told him sympathetically, patting his back gently.

"Thanks for saying that," he said a little happier.

" I'm your assistant, it's what I'm supposed to do," I kindly said.

"Yeah so tell me about you," he said to me.

"Um, well I'm Puerto Rican, although my mom's half black," I told him.

"Oh, that's cool," he said.

"And I have an older sister who I live with," I added.

" Oh, interesting," he replied.

I admired how he gave me his full attention. I wonder if he likes me... nah. I have to keep this professional no matter what. I really don't want to lose this job.

"Well it was nice talking to you Aliana, come by the studio tomorrow so you can get used to the environment, ok?" Bruno said, getting up.

"Ok, see you tomorrow then," I said, walking into the hallway, him following.

"Nice meeting you," he said with a smile, showing his gorgeous dimples as we went our separate ways.

Bruno's POV

"How'd it go man?" Phil asked before I could properly enter through the studio door.

"She's perfect man, cute, funny, professional, sexy..." I replied, wishing I could shove the last word back down my throat.

"Uh, what did you just say?" Phil said, raising his eyebrows.

" Uh, nothing. I didn't mean it," I said quickly.

"Sure you didn't..."he said sarcastically.

"I can't like her like that anyway because of Brad's 'no dating clients' rule" I said using air quotes.

"Ok, so when will I meet her?" Phil asked.

"Tomorrow. I told her to come by," I answered.

"K, you ready to go record?" He asked me, getting up.

"Yeah," I replied, getting up as well.

I felt my phone jerk in my pocket. It was a text from Aliana.

Aliana: What time should I come to the studio?

Me: Uh... is 10 ok?

Aliana: Yeah, thanks.

I smiled and put back my phone into my pocket and joined the rest of the band.

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Luv y'all


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