It meant nothing?

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Bruno's POV

"Ok, spill," Kam said to me, giving me his undivided attention.

At the moment, I was the center of attention in the room.

"Ok..." I sighed in defeat. "When Dwayne came for his sax, he teased us about how we could make out because of how close we were but we weren't doing anything before, I swear."

"So you two just decided to make out," Eric said.

" Well, no. You see, she was saying how gross it was to kiss me so I asked her why and she said it would be weird," I explained.

"And I bet that you told her you're a good kisser, right?" Phil said, making me look at him questioningly.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I asked him.

"You're so predictable," Phil shook his head.

"Why do you say that?" I asked Phil, raising my eyebrow.

" That's kinda how you got Jessica," he answered. "Except for the whole arguing thing."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes at him. "Then Aliana said that it was my opinion... so I wanted to show her that I was right. Plus it didn't even mean anything."

"Well B, you just lucky that it wasn't Vanessa. She'd literally claw your freaking eyes out," Ryan spoke up for the first time making almost e

" You were here?" I widened my eyes at him in surprise.

" Yeah, and frankly, I think you're brave as hell to be with someone like her. Just being honest," he said again.

" I deserve an award, right?" I sarcastically said.

"Yeah! An award for... um," Kam said, thinking of a name.

"The 'Risking your life over a relationship' award!" Eric blurted out.

Everyone agreed and gave him high fives. I shook my head at them.

"You know, even if you guys don't like her, she is still my girlfriend," I said.

" Right," they all said slowly.

"So what about the 'almost kiss' with Aliana? You're not gonna te-"

"Are you crazy? Hell no! I still want my dick you know," I said.

"Ha, that rhymed," Jam said and pointed at me with a smirk.

" Seriously?" I laughed, remembering what I had said.

"Yeah man, it totally rhymed," Phil said, laughing as well.

I laughed as I saw how it did rhyme.

"I'm such a professional," I flipped my imaginary hair over my shoulder.

Aliana's POV

After I put up my phone I walked around the room aimlessly, not knowing what to do. If I went into the room where Bruno was, things would get even more awkward than they already are, plus I'll look clingy or some s***.

"Sigh..." I actually sighed out loud.

Boredom was surrounding me until I remembered the instruments.

"Drums," I said to myself in satisfaction as I walked over to the drum set that was screaming 'play me'.

"Damn," I whispered and reached out to it but pulled back.

"It'll make too much noise" I thought.

I was just walking past the door where Bruno was when I heard my name mentioned.

I'm not an eavesdropper and I'm definitely not as nosy as my sister, but hearing my name mentioned, this chica has got to know what's up.

I placed my ear close to the door, listening to their conversation.

I listened to everything, taking it harmlessly until Bruno said something that struck my heart like a million lightning bolts.

Plus it didn't even mean anything.

I bit my lip at what he said.

I know we were only joking around. But to be honest, I wanted to just punch him in the mouth... with my lips... softly...

I was unaware of my drooling when I felt it on my chest. I really need to get my s*** together. I can't constantly drool on myself like a baby because of Bruno.

I quickly wiped away the saliva and walked away from the door in shame.

I can't believe it meant nothing to him!

Nothing at all? Seriously?!

I'm actually kinda glad that I didn't kiss him. I'd feel way worse.


Hey people!

Short? I know...

Sorry for that... but don't worry

More updates to come!

Thnx 4 d reads. My head is killing me right now so if there are mistakes, you know why.

Plz remember to leave at least one comment, vote and share:)

Love you guys!


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