I got a job!

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Aliana's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. It smelled so good!

" Food?" I asked in a yawn, slowly sitting up and taking a deep breath, sucking in the aroma.

My eyes suddenly opened wide as I realized...

"FOOD!!" I shrieked in happiness as I jumped out of the bed, running out of my room.

My sister was standing at the stove, cooking breakfast.

"Hurry up woman!" I said to her as I sat at the table.

"Well buenos dias (good morning) to you too," my sister said to me without moving from her position.

In no time the food was off the stove and in my plate. I started chowing down immediately.

"So, you gonna look for a job today, right?" Emilia asked, taking a bite of her bacon.

"Yeah. What time are you going to work?" I said with my mouth full. I was so hungry.

"Soon enough. I'm gonna shower now," she replied, getting up. Well she eats fast.

"Ok," I said taking up the newspaper from the coffee table.

I turned to the job section and separated it from the newspaper then took a seat on the couch. It took me minutes until something caught my eye.

"Find anything?" Emilia asked, brushing her hair.

"Yeah, Armstrong talent agency is looking for personal assistants. I think I'm going to try it out," I replied.

"Great! Now you won't have to live off of my money anymore," Emilia said, making me look at her like she was crazy.

"I'm just kidding! Geez, you're my sister! Lighten up!" She said when she saw my face.

I rolled my eyes and dialed the company's number on my phone. After 2 rings a lady answered.

Lady: This is Armstrong talent agency, I'm Kate, how may I help you ?

Me: Uh...hi, I would like to know if the position for personal assistant is still available.

Lady: Oh, please give me one moment.

I looked nervously at my sister who had her fingers crossed.

Lady: I'm sorry ma'am but our spaces are full.

My heart sank when I heard this.

Me: Oh, Ok thank you.

I hung up before she could say anything.

"Is the position available?" Emilia asked after a few seconds of silence.

I opened my mouth to answer but my phone rang. The screen said unknown making me curious.

Me: Hello?

Unknown: Ma'am? Its Kate.

Me: Why did you call?

Unknown: There has been a misunderstanding. There is a space available.

Me: Really?

Unknown: Yes. Are you interested?

Me! Um... I mean yes, yes I am.

Unknown: Ok ma'am, can I have your name and contact information ?

I kinda hesitated before telling her because I don't really trust people.

Unknown : Ok Aliana, come by tomorrow at 11:00 am for an interview, ok?

Me: Ok, thank you so much!

Unknown: My pleasure.

I hung up, this time in happiness. I finally might get a good job!

"Is it available now? Did you get it?" My sister asked excitedly.

"Let's just say that I might have a job to go to soon!!" I screamed, hugging her in excitement.

" I'm so happy for you but I have to go to work now before we end up having a party or some shit like that. Chao chica (Bye girl)," Emilia said and went through the door.

I went up to my room, took a deep breathe and laid down on my bed. I plugged in my earphones and listened to some music, mostly from one of my favourite artists, Bruno Mars. I may not be a diehard hooligan but I am a fan of him and his music.

Hey guys:)

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Stay lovely


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