Hello LA

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Aliana's POV

Anxiety spread through my body as I sat in the taxi. It's been so long since I have seen my big sister and I'm going to live with her in her beautiful house in LA. Hopefully a good job will come my way here.

"Right here," I said to the taxi driver, indicating my sister's house, growing more excited.

He unloaded my luggage and carried my bags to the gate then I paid him.

" Thank you," he humbly replied, taking the money.

" No problem," I replied with a smile.

I pressed the little buzzer on the gate and a few seconds later, the gate slowly opened. As the gate opened I saw my sister walking towards me as I entered.

"Emilia!" I screamed in excitement.

"Aliana! Oh my god I missed you so much!" Emilia said greeting me with a bone-crushing hug.

"I c-can't breath," I wheezed out.

"Oh I'm sorry... it's out of love anyway so..." she said as she let go.

"Sure," I replied as walked towards the house with my bags, trying to escape the heat that was making me sweat my ass off.

"Let me help you with those," Emilia said carrying some of my luggage.

"Thanks," I replied.

My sister is a doctor which explains her house. She's actually not much older than me. She's 33 but still looks like 21.

"I'm gonna go unpack," I told her.

"Oh ok. Your room is upstairs... it'll be obvious," she said.

"Wonder what she means by that," I said to myself, carrying my suitcases upstairs.

My question was soon answered when I saw a door that had a big red bow on it.

"Huh?" I asked puzzled and curious as I opened the door.

The room was love at first sight! It was painted ruby red and had this big ass bed with a nice pink carpet plus a walk-in closet and a full body mirror. I squealed in delight and immediately started unpacking.

"Like it?" She asked, standing at the doorway.

"No..." I said keeping a straight face.

Emilia's face had a look of disappointment which I found hilarious.

"I love it!" I blurted out in laughter.

" Bitch don't do that shit!" She said as she laughed and lightly slapped my arm.

"That's what sisters do," I replied.

After all that laughter, there was an awkward pause.

"So... when you're done unpacking, want to go to the grocery store?"Emilia asked.

"Sí--I mean yea, sure," I replied, continuing my unpacking.


"Ready?" Emilia asked.

"Un segundo (one second)," I replied as I gathered my wavy hair into a ponytail.

"Hurry up!" Emilia whined.

"Ok, ok I'm coming," I said as I put on my sunglasses.

"Do you have the keys?" Emilia asked before I could close the door.

"Yeah," I replied, holding up the keys.

I closed the door and followed Emilia to her white Lamborghini that was parked among her new black Audi and her red Ferrari. Damn...can't wait to live the LA life.

Omg guys!!! This is my first story so please :



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