It gets revealed

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Aliana's POV

My palms were sweaty and I nervously started to sweat bullets despite my cool surroundings. Ellen had started introducing us and I zoned back into reality.

"Bruno, we understand that you've been pretty busy in the studio, what are your plans?" Ellen asked him.

"Well yeah, I've been working really hard in studio making new music and trust me, it isn't easy especially when I have to work with the dumbasses in the band," he said then he whispered. "Phil is the main one."

Despite the fact that I felt like a truck was lodged in my throat and I was basically sweating out the Pacific ocean, I still managed to let out a laugh at Bruno's antics.

"Don't kill me please," Bruno jokingly made a scared face to the camera.

"So you're Bruno's new assistant? Wow, you look really beautiful," Ellen complimented.

"Yes I am and thank you," I shakily answered.

"Are you alright? You're washing away in sweat and there's air-conditioning in here," Ellen took her papers and started fanning me.

" I'm just a little nervous, no big deal," I said.

"Ok, take a deep breath, in and out," she instructed me.

As I inhaled, I felt the urge of laughing deep in my throat, threatening to burst through my mouth. I quickly exhale but I still ended up laughing anyway.

"Feel better?" Ellen asked.

I actually felt less nervous and more comfortable with the cameras than before.

"Yeah,"  I answered. " It actually worked."

"I know... I'm that good," she said, her voice full of pride. "You can hit me up after the show if you need my services by the way." she said to the crowd who laughed in response.

"Alright, so now that you're calm and stuff, tell us what's it like working for Bruno? I heard he's a snob so..." Ellen asked.

"Hey! I'm right here you know," Bruno said in a defensive tone.

"Love you too Bruno," she laughed.

Bruno's POV

"Well, to be honest, Bruno is a very..." She trailed while looking at me as I waited anxiously for her to finish her sentence. "A very different person, but I still enjoy his company in and out of studio. He's a really talented artist too with original and creative ideas and he's crazy and nice and he knows what fun is," she said with a wide smile across her face.

The whole time while she talked, I found myself lost in the beauty of her face and the enchanting, smooth melody of her voice that was mixed with her rich Spanish accent. It took strong will to fight the urge to clash her lips with mine and passionately show her how much I care about her.

How much I love her...

I've never actually loved someone before. I would recite the the words without meaning but now I know that it's real. Maybe I'm moving too fast. I don't know if the word 'love' has even crossed Aliana's mind.

"You two seem to have a connection with each other," Ellen said.

"Exactly what do you mean by connection?" I quickly asked her, in fear that she might've suspected something.

"I mean that you two work well with each other, but I have to ask Bruno, with such an amazing, beautiful woman as your assistant, don't you feel any attraction to her in the slightest way? I mean, you're single now, right?" She asked me.

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