Doan 3

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On Doan.

Energized Ahsoka woke up again, the next morning. The shower really looked tempting and thoughts about starting the day with a wonderful long shower again ran through her head, but then she decided against it, because the water tank would have to get refilled again and in reality she rather wanted to get away from this maltreated, dusty, hot and sweat plagued planet. In that very instant it became very clear to her, that this ship already felt like home to her. She never had a home in her whole entire live. When she was young she lived in the children's dorm in the Jedi temple, all she had was a bunk bed and a locker. Then later as a youngling she still just had a bed (with built in locker), but at least in a smaller dorm. As a Padawan during the clone wars she mostly slept somewhere in battle ships and after having left the Jedi order, she could be happy, if she had a mattress and not had to sleep on the plain ground. Then with the rebels again all she had was an air mattress on the ground, if at all. She realized now how good a home felt and she loved that ship, because it was her home, her sweet home. Ahsoka's home. The only thing left to do was, to make it a bit more Ahsokaish, a bit more homey, but that would come over time.

With a jump out of the bed, she got up, threw herself into the inquisitor's uniform and went to the small shop from yesterday. As she assumed already, they had been working on the B2 all night, but were not finished yet. The cannon gave them trouble. It was probably the very reason, why the man refused to do the blaster and the cannon initially. Anyways, she decided to give them more time and a feeling came over her, that she should get acquainted with the weapons of the VT-49. Thus she headed back to her ship and studied the controls of the weapons system. Weapons could all be controlled from the cockpit, while the turret behind the cockpit could also host a gunner. There were proton cannons in the wing tips, and 4 Null Bolt Cannons in the turret, then there were additional Null Bolt Cannons on either side. With all those arms, the VT-49 was a very dangerous assault vessel. Playing with the setup menu, Ahsoka also found out, that her baby was already equipped with the INCOM Elite II engines, making it even faster than the Tie fighters. On top this VT-49 must have also gotten equipped with a search drone, at least she found controls for it in the computer. All that, meant, that this was a really fine ship. It also meant, that the empire invested a lot of credits to have this one made, possibly custom made for those inquisitors. They would most likely not write it down in a whim – she was certain, the empire would try to locate it, she had to be careful.

With bad foreboding, she found the Com Link of one of the dead inquisitors blinking. There were three incoming messages in it. All three were a reminder that two daily reports did not arrive in time, were still outstanding. Merde... She was going through many messages and found out, that one of the inquisitors sent a daily report, which stated, more or less that nothing special happened that day. Luckily, she also found one, where he's also been late sending out the report. She copied that one edited it in regards to dates and stuff and fired it out. Hopefully the ruse would buy a couple of days.

The desk-oaf on Coruscant, received Ahsoka's reports and forwarded them to Darth Vader.

Same time Ahsoka took off with the VT-49 flying around the desert until she spotted some black objects far away on the ground. Coming closer they turned out to be abandoned mining equipment. With excitement, Ahsoka already wanted to go about and fire at them, blow them up into millions of pieces of metal, having a good time doing her worst to them, when the force wanted her to land and inspect them first.

This she did only to find out, that they already got raided and cannibalized, with one exception though: 3 energy cells were buried under half a ton of thick iron plate which made extraction without equipment impossible. When her thoughts wandered away from those energy cells again, the force wanted her to extract them - she would make good use of them in the future. Not knowing, what use that would be, she took her white light saber and cut the iron plate around the energy cells. Next she used the force to lift and move the remainder of the iron plate, then eventually being able to haul the heavy energy cells over to the VT-49 one by one.

Ahsoka Tano; Mightiest Force Wielder (Book 1: The Rise)Where stories live. Discover now