Leaving Coruscant 2

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In the Star Destroyer.

Darth Vader looked at the report from his inquisitors. Coruscant's economic crime investigators had been on a group of money launderers. One way of laundering money was to illegally loan black money to ordinary citizens and have them donate money to a specific NPO as repayment. The leader of that subgroup was called "BOSS" and he employed 2 gofers. Yesterday morning all three had been found dead in their conspiratorial office. Forensics, so far did not find the cause of death. Forensics, however found fingerprints and DNA of a former Padawan at the crime scene. At this point, the inquisitors had been called. Forensics also extracted recordings of the surveillance system, the crooks had installed in and around their office. Apart from most of the recordings, which are very valuable for the economic crime investigators, there were the few minutes when the 3 criminals got killed, which they attached. The inquisitors requested, Darth Vader may let them know, if he had special interest in the case, otherwise it would be treated with normal priority? The dark Lord had a feeling, that it was very interesting for him and he watched the video. He saw Ahsoka, or whoever it was now, being fretted to a chair, sitting there relatively calmly and all of a sudden the two criminals who had captured her falling dead. The big lasat, struggled for quite some time, but it was merely a matter of time, until his life, too, was finished. The third one came in a bit later and shared the same fate. Then Ahsoka freed herself and opened the safe. She took credit chips and papers from the safe. Lord Vader immediately assigned this case highest priority and he sent the inquisitors back to the crime scene, to find out, what papers Ahsoka had taken from the safe. They should turn the place around, so to find any hint, where Ahsoka could have gone, too, then inform him, so that together they could terminate her. He instructed the desk-oaf to capture the best possible picture of her from the video and attach it to the arrest warrant. Ahsoka had killed these three guys without effort and without leaving any traces. He had no idea, how she did it, but it was worthy a dark side demon. With the elevated priority of the case, 3 inquisitors immediately left their quarters for further investigation of the BOSS office.

In Mike's apartment.

At 19:00h Mike should have been back already, but he was not. Ahsoka believed, he was either doing over hours or maybe worse he went gambling, wasting all his wages. Ahsoka had a bad feeling about it all and she packed her few belongings, sat in the speeder heading for the garage. At least she wanted to properly say goodbye. About half way, in her mind, she heard Mike in her mind crying for her: "Ahsoka help me, please help me." She opened herself to the force and in a blurry vision, she saw him crying and being in pain. Something was wrong, very wrong with Mike. Approaching the garage, she peered about 10-15 storm troopers on guard outside. Ahsoka steered the speeder full throttle along the walk way, in front of the garage, clearing it of storm troopers like a snow plug. After all had been pushed out of the way, she brought the speeder to a stop, jumped out and ran back to the storm troopers who were scrambled all over the walk way. "Stand down, you are beaten", she yelled.

The dark side came upon her: "Ahsoka, my love, my cute master, you cannot let anyone of them live. You have to kill them! Kill them all without exception!"

Ahsoka: "It is not necessary, if they stand down."

The dark side: "Ahsoka, please, don't farkle this up! The light side requested you to NOT kill BOSS and his henchmen, you disobeyed. It enabled the empire to get on your track. Now I request you to kill them all! Why? It took me 6 months, scanning billions of people until I found Mike and another 9 months to prepare your encounter. We still need Mike, he is a crucial ingredient in balancing the force. You aid the ONE, Mike aids you. If he gets injured or killed, it will be a major setback. All your focus has to be on saving Mike, you cannot watch your back at the same time. On top, if anyone of the soldiers calls for reinforcements, things could even get tight for you. That's why I ask you to stay save and kill them all!"

Ahsoka Tano; Mightiest Force Wielder (Book 1: The Rise)Where stories live. Discover now