~On the road that shines exceptionally~

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//tw: mentions of abortion and abandonment//

A loud bang on the door was heard from his room. He groaned and looked over at his alarm clock, which read 8:44AM. Who the heck is being obnoxious so early in the morning? He shut his eyes again in hopes that whoever the person is, will go away. Of course, they didn't leave. The banging excessively started getting louder and he could hear yells coming from outside.
He mentally cursed at whoever was at the door so early in the morning. It's spring break and he wants to sleep in before college starts back up next week.

 He dragged himself up from his bed while rubbing his eyes. He threw on a shirt since his upper body was bare and put on his glasses. He dragged his feet out of his room and down the hallway of his apartment that led him to the front door. He let out an annoyed sigh and opened the door, only to be revealed with and woman holding a baby girl's hand. The woman was about to slam her fist against the door once more, until she noticed the door was wide open.

"It's about time!" The woman raised her voice, obviously angered by the fact that he took so long to answer the door.

"Karina, what the hell are you doing here?!" He was pissed by the sudden visit of his ex girlfriend.

"You think I want to be here and see your face, Mark?! Hell no, this is the only option I had or else I'd get in trouble!" She yelled and the baby girl she was holding by the hand was shaking. Karina lifted the girl in her arms and threw her at Mark. "Woah, woah, woah," Mark regrained his balance after losing it for a quick second, catching the baby. "What's your problem?! You can't just throw a child!" Mark angrily said.

"Take your stupid child! I don't want her! I can't stand her! She makes me want to rip my hair out. Ugh! I'm so done!" Karina yelled once more.

"What do you mean 'my child'?" Mark questioned and looked at the baby girl in his arms, who was still shaking.

"She's your kid you dumbass! Now take her, I'm done with her! That ugly, annoying thing is NOT my daughter!" Karina huffed.

"You mean to tell me that I'm the father of this child and you never told me about it?!" Mark was slowly starting to lose his temper, but tried to remain calm since there was a child present. "Why must you speak that way about her? You're not in your right mind."

"So what?! Now you fucking know! She ruined my life. I don't like her. I wish I never gave birth to her! She is the biggest mistake I made and I should have aborted her! She doesn't deserve live!" Karina yelled even louder. Thank goodness it's still early in the morning and most people are still asleep. Well, probably not asleep anymore thanks to all the hollering. Honestly, Mark is surprised nobody has called security yet. "I am in my right mind, so don't say otherwise! I can speak how ever I want!"

Karina started to walk off, but Mark grabbed her arm. "You can't just leave her here like that! What kind of mother are you?! Trying to abandon your own child! How dare you speak about her in that way!" It took a lot in Mark not to slap this horrible person standing in front of him.

"Well I'm so glad I brought her here then since you care so much! I can do whatever I want!" Karina sarcastically said and yanked her arm from his grip. Mark scoffed, "That's not a strong claim you have going on there." Karina rolled her eyes and before she could open her mouth to speak, Mark spoke again.

"You know, you're really something, aren't you?" Mark walked inside his apartment and gently set the baby girl on the floor, being too scared to put her on the couch in case she might fall. He walked back out. "Breaking up with you was the best decision I've made. I can't believe I dated a scumbag like you. You're really going to abandon your toddler? Fine, I'll take care of MY child. I don't want to see your face at my doormat again. Please don't come near me and my child or else."

"I don't care about you and that stupid thing in your home. Both of you mean absolutely nothing to me! I'm moving back to the states," Karina explained.

"I honestly could give a crap about where you go. Just stay the hell away from here," Mark retaliated. Karina displayed a fake smile, "Gladly, I don't care about niether of you." Mark leaned against the door frame, "Yeah, I heard you the first time."

"Wow," Mark chuckled in disbelief and pushed his spectacles up, which were sliding down his nose. "Some kind of mother you are, huh?" He crossed his arms, pushing himself away from the door frame he was leaning on. Karina rolled her eyes. "I told you already. She's not my daughter and never will be. I had enough." She walked away and into her friend's car, which was blasting music.

How could she have friends that support her like this? What kind of human being abandons their own child? Mark couldn't understand any of this and wanted to cry, but he kept his composure. He felt extremely bad for the baby girl inside his home. Mark just shook his head and walked inside his apartment, locking the door behind him. "What a beautiful way to start my morning," he sarcastically said to himself.


That was chapter one! What a crazy start I'd say, haha! What do you guys think? Any thoughts?

I'm sorry for any grammatical errors and cringeworthy aspects! Please leave comments and vote if you'd like! Thank you so much!

I hope you stay safe, happy, and healthy! ♡

Happy New Year! Let's make this a great year, despite everything going on!

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My Everything《Markhyuck》||Completedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن