~Spreading all over me~

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The sound of his phone alarm went off and Mark groaned, reaching over to press snooze. He sat up on his bed, rubbing his eyes and put on his glasses. He stood up, dragging his feet out of his room and pushed Min-ji's door open.  His eyes were met with Min-ji's, who was sitting on her bed wide awake. Her eyes were a little red and had light bags underneath them. She looked exhausted as if she didn't sleep at all. Mark tilted his head in confusion.

"Good morning, Min-ji," Mark spoke with his voice sounding raspy since he just woke up. Min-ji kicked off her covers and raised her arms at Mark. Mark complied and picked up his baby girl from her bed. "Let's go use the bathroom and eat breakfast, yeah?" Mark walked into the bathroom and helped her do her business. He washed her hands and brushed her teeth, washing her face afterwards.


Mark and his baby finished eating, well Mark did. Min-ji barely touched her food and only ate a few bites. A few bites are better than nothing. This isn't healthy for a baby, but Mark is glad he's taking her to the doctor today. He finsihed dressing her up.

Mark grabbed his wallet, phone, and keys and stuffed them in his pockets. He carried Min-ji out the door, making sure to lock it, and sat her in the back seat of his car. He needs to buy her a car seat, since it's illegal for a child under the age of six to be without one. He engraved it in his mind to buy one after her appointment and buckled her seatbelt. He closed the door and made his way to the drivers seat, buckling his seatbelt. He then started the engine and began to drive.

The doctors office wasn't that far away from his apartment. He parked then car and looked in the mirror above his windshield, noticing that Min-ji was asleep. Mark cooed at the baby who was sleeping peacefully and unbuckled his seatbelt. He opened the backseat door and unbuckled Min-ji's seatbelt. Trying not to wake the baby, he carefully picked her up and carried her inside the building. The sleeping baby subconsciously nestled her face in the crook of Mark's neck and Mark could feel her tiny breaths. Mark smiled and checked in the receptionist.

"Hi, who are we seeing today?" The older lady at the desk politely asked with a smile. "I have an appointment for my daughter, Lee Min-ji," Mark answered and the receptionist signed her in. "Please sign these and the doctor will call you in shortly," the older lady said as she handed Mark a packet of forms with a pen.

With the forms in his hand, Mark sat down in the waiting room with Min-ji now on his lap, leaning against his chest. Mark filled out the papers and handed them back to the receptionist when the doctor called him in. The doctor led him in one of the patient rooms and Mark sat down on the cot with his baby still asleep in his arms.

"A heavy sleeper you have there," the doctor giggled. Mark nodded with a smile. "My name is Dr. Kim and I will be Min-ji's healthcare nutritionist and psychiatrist," the doctor infromed Mark while pointing at his name tag which read: Kim Doyoung. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Mark Lee, Min-ji's father," Mark greeted politely.

"I'll be giving her a shot that every child is required to have," Dr. Kim grabbed an alcohol wipe and softly rubbed Min-ji's soft skin. He then grabbed the needle and inserted it into her arm, pushing the liquidy medication inside. He slowly pulled the needle out and stuck on a Mickey Mouse bandaid on her arm. Mark was surprised that the baby didn't move or woke up when the doctor did that.

Just then, Min-ji stirred and backed away from Mark's chest, rubbing her eyes. "Good morning again, Min-ji," Mark giggled at his sleepy baby. His baby still looked awfully exhausted and it saddened him. "Hi, Min-ji. I'm Dr. Kim," Doyoung spoke in a soft manner. Min-ji turned her head to look at the man in a white gown with a stethoscope hanging around his neck. She clutched onto Mark's shirt, shaking in fear. "Hey, hey it's okay, Nena. He won't hurt you. He just wants to make sure you're healthy," Mark rubbed Min-ji back. "You know, Min-ji. After I finish giving you a check up, I have a lolipop for you," Doyoung waved a watermelon flavored lolipop in his hands.

Min-ji regained herself and stopped shaking, pulling herself away from Mark. She looked at him and then at the floor. "You can have it when he's done, Min-ji. It's okay," Mark smiled at her.

Doyoung finished giving Min-ji a check up and handed her the lolipop. She gave it to Mark so that he can unwrap it and he did so, giving it back to his baby.

"Has she ever been to another doctor before?" Doyoung questioned and Mark shook his head. "Not that I'm aware of. Her mother..." Mark searched for the right words, "I'm not sure if her mother has." Doyoung can sense the uneasiness in his voice and can tell that he doesn't have the best relationship with the baby's mother and it seemed to be that way for the child as well. Doyoung just smiled, "That's okay. I was asking because she is a bit underweight for her age and it doesn't look like she's been getting sleep. (a/n: This is just a story, but please know that your weight does not determine your health!) If she was seeing a doctor, I would've said that they weren't doing their job properly."

"What do I do? I just recieved her the other day and she's been like this. She only eats a little bit and when I wake up she is asleep, but today she was awake before me," Mark honestly told the doctor.

"I see. You're a new parent and it's going to take patience and understanding. How does she interact with you? From what I've seen today, she seems okay, but there is something holding her back," Doyoung spoke on his observation about Min-ji. Mark chuckled sadly, "...there probably is something holding her back and I don't know what it is." Mark explained her previous behaviors with her retracting herself from anyone's  touch.

"From the sounds of this, she must have experienced something traumatic. The day she came to you, did you notice any bruises or cuts?" Doyoung asked. "I wasn't really looking for any, so not that I've seen," Mark responded mentally slapping himself in the face for not checking to see if Min-ji had any bruises. "That's alright. She doesn't seem to talk much," Doyoung stated. Mark nodded, "She doesn't talk much at all, but she understands and can learn things quickly."

"When can you come for a follow up? I want to further observe Min-ji more and hopefully help her come of out her comfort zone," Doyoung spoke with determination. "I don't have work on Fridays and Saturdays," Mark answered the doctor. "How does Saturday morning at the same time sound? If not, I can push the time later," Doyoung asked.

"Sounds good to me," Mark replied.


We have Dr. Kim Doyoung haha

Sorry for any grammatical errors...
Please stay safe, happy, and healthy♡

<1268 words>

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