~I wish you could see it~

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*one of my favorite pieces!*

Min-ji curiously looked at Mark's phone on her bed while the three boys were busy putting the furniture together and singing. Min-ji subconsciously stretched her finger towards the screen, accidentally changing the song they were listening to. Mark's phone was now playing an instrumental song. It was a classical piano piece, composed by Claude Debussy called 'Clair De Lune.' Min-ji's eyes were filled with fascination when hearing the first few seconds play, but quickly snapped out of it when Johnny said something.

"What happened to the song?" Mark looked at Min-ji, who was now shaking in fear as tears were welling in her eyes once she met Mark's. "Min-ji, it's okay," Haechan said softly and grabbed Mark's phone, pausing the song and placing it in the baby's hand. "You have to be careful with it. We know it was an accident," Haechan continued as Mark smiled at them. Min-ji's eyes shed a tear, "Nena, don't cry it's okay. If you want to listen to something just ask," Mark told her.

Mark reached over to wipe her tears away, but Min-ji flinched. Mark let out a sad smile, "It's okay, Min-ji." He backed up a little bit as Min-ji looked at Mark, pointing at his phone. "Do you want to listen to it?" Mark asked. The baby nodded shyly and then looked at Johnny and Haechan for their approval. Of course they can't say no to this cute little baby in front of them. Mark pressed play and watched as Min-ji's eyes lit up as stared at the screen and listened to the piano piece. Min-ji was seriously invested into the music and all three boys took note of it.


The three boys finally finished putting everything together as they listened to clasical music, per Min-ji's request. She seemed to really enjoy it. It was almost nine and Johnny was getting ready to leave. Mark was carrying Min-ji and Haechan was besides him.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Johnny left the apartment, cunfusion sprawled on Haechan and Mark's faces. Johnny quickly came back with a box in his hand. He placed it down, "This is for Mim-ji." Min-ji looked at the box as Mark put her down. "They're building blocks. I noticed she didn't have any toys, so I thought she'd like them," Johnny said with a smile. "Thank you," Mark said and hugged his brother, "for everything." Johnny hugged back, ruffling his hair and teased, "Anything for my little brother."

Min-ji was observing the box filled with blocks in front of her. She had never seen anything like it. Min-ji didn't know if she was allowed to touch it and looked at Johnny. "It's yours, Min-ji. Go ahead," Johnny crouched down and removed the lid on the box. The colorful blocks were now on display and the baby looked at Johnny again and back down on the floor. The elder boy frowned. "It's okay, Min-ji. You can play with it for a few minutes," Mark reassured his baby. "Here," Johnny took a few blocks out and set them on the floor. He started stacking them, hoping Min-ji would do the same. Min-ji reluctantly reached for the blocks and started to stack them with Johnny. All three boys smiled at her.

After about ten minutes, Johnny helped Min-ji put the blocks away. "You can play with them tomorrow. Right now, I have to leave and you need to go to sleep," Johnny explained to the baby. Johnny picked the box up and set it down on the floor beside Min-ji's bookshelf in her room. He came back out and head towards the front door.

They bid their goodbyes and Johnny left. "Thank you for your help," Mark said with a soft smile. "Of course, I'll always help you," Haechan replied with a giggle. "I mean it, thank you," Mark repeated, causing Haechan to giggle some more, "I know you do, so stop being so sappy....I do too."

"On Friday I was thinking about inviting the group over so they can meet Min-ji and we can all hang out," Mark suggested and Haechan smiled. "That would be fun!"

"Great, I'll let them know," Mark said eagerly. He was nervous, but excited for his friends to meet his daughter. Haechan nodded and wrapped his arms around Mark's neck, giving him a hug. Mark hugged back, securing his arms around the younger's smaller waist. "Get home safe," Mark mumbled.

Haechan hummed and they broke their hug. Haechan waved at Min-ji instead of giving her hug because he doesn't want her to feel uncomfortable. "Bye, Min-ji! I'll see you tomorrow," Haechan told the baby. Min-ji stared at Haechan as he left and Mark locked the door behind him. "Min-ji, do you have to go potty before you sleep?" Mark asked. Min-ji nodded and walked to the bathroom with Mark.

After Mark finished helping her use the bathroom and washing her hands, he walked with Min-ji in his arms to her room. Mark was surprised they were able to finish building and setting Min-ji's room up before it got too late. Her room was across from Mark's and was a smaller than his, but big enough just for her. Her bed, neatly set with comforters and pillows, was beside her window, which was veiled by dark green curtains. Her dresser was on the other side of the room, while her bookshelf was against the wall, directly in front of her bed. The nightlight was plugged into the outlet next to the door.

Mark switched on the light and laid her down on her bed. He was about to pull up her blanket, but Min-ji flinched with her hands covering her face as if she was trying to protect herself. The confusion in Mark's head drastically rose. "Nena, I'm not going to hurt you," Mark spoke softly. Min-ji slowly retracted her hands, and looked at Mark with glossy eyes that could spill tears any minute. "I'm going to tuck you in so you'll be nice and warm, yeah?" Min-ji looked down at the blanket and back to Mark, "...toy?" Min-ji spoks ever so quietly. Mark understood what she was saying and asked, "Do you want me to get it for you?" Min-ji's worrisome eyes gazed back down as if she was being scolded at and nodded her head slowly. Mark reassured her that he will be back with her stuffed animal and left the room.

He found her pink stuffed penguin lying on the couch and picked it up. Mark strolled back to her room and handed the toy over to his baby. Min-ji tucked her toy underneath her arms. "I love you. Goodnight, Min-ji," Mark told her. He knows that he only met his child yesterday and exchanging 'I love you's' is still early, but he didn't care. Min-ji seems to have been through so much and deserves to know that someone loves her, that he loves her.

Mark switched the light off and made sure to turn on her nightlight. He closed the door, leaving it cracked open and walked across the hall to his room. He grabbed some pajamas and went to take a shower. Once he finished his nightly routine, he made his way in his room, leaving his door slightly open. He plopped himself on his bed and checked his emails because he had to finalize Min-ji's registration. It was confirmed and Mark made a doctor's appointment for Min-ji at nine tomorrow morning. He set an alarm to wake up at seven forty five tomorrow and plugged his phone in the charger. He removed his glasses and placed them gently on top of his nightstand. He switched off the lights and tucked himself in.


I hope your day/night is going well!

Sorry for any grammatical errors!

<1343 words>

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