~I can feel the warmth~

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At the park, both boys sat on the bench, enjoying the warm spring breeze. Min-ji was now in Mark's hold, still asleep. Mark smiled while staring at her lovingly. Her face was pressed against Mark's chest, which made her cheeks puff and her lips pout. Mark thought she was the most adorable baby in the world.

"Don't forget to finalize her paperwork and take her to the doctor for her checkup," Haechan reminded Mark. "I will finish it tonight," Mark stated. Mark has to bring Min-ji to her appointment for her shots and take a test, making sure that she is indeed Mark's child. Mark isn't doubting it, but it's a requirement that he has to do either way. How could Karina have hidden his child from him for more than two years? This is a big deal and not something small. Mark's facial expression dropped. "What's wrong?" Haechan asked him, turning his body towards him.

"How am I going to go to school? Or go to work? I can't take many days off. I can't bring her with me. What should I do? Oh my goodness," Mark started to panick a little. How is he supposed to go to college and work when Min-ji is now with him? He can't ask his parents to watch her, since they live in Canada. He doesn't think Min-ji is ready to go to daycare.

"Relax, it's okay. We'll figure something out. Our schedules changed again right?" Haechan asked. "Yeah now I only have afternoon classes, but then I go straight to work Monday- Thursday and Sunday," Mark stated. "Do you think they'll let me bring Min-ji?"

"I'm not sure. Isn't there a darecare right next to the Music Department you work at?" Haechan recalled. "Yeah, but she isn't ready and we both know that. I just recieved her today and she's already having a hard time opening up to me. I don't think putting her in a daycare would make the situation any better," Mark sighed. Haechan scrolled through his phone to check his schedule and smiled.

"I have morning classes on Monday's and Tuesday's and afternoon classes Wednesday- Friday. I can come over and watch her after my afternoon shift at the library on Mondays and Tuesdays. I don't work on Sundays," Haechan noted. "Are you sure? You really don't have to do this. I'll figure something out," Mark worriedly declined the younger boy.

"Mark, of course I'm sure. Besides, it's better me watching her than some stranger," Haechan assured him. "Thank you. I don't know how to repay you," Mark hugged the younger carefully, making sure not to wake his baby. "You don't have to repay me, Mark. I'm your best friend, I'll do anything for you, just like you do the same," Haechan said and Mark smiled, gazing into the younger's sparkling chocolate orbs. Both of them felt butterflies swarm in their stomachs. They quickly broke the gaze,clearing their throats.

"I just got to figure out someone to watch her on Wednesdays through Fridays," Mark started to think about the possible solutions. "Is your brother still here? Or is he back in Canada?" The younger curiously asked. Mark shook his head, "He's still here. He told me he's staying for good, since he doesn't want to leave his boyfriend behind," Mark giggled at his brother's love life. "That's cute," Haechan giggled as well.

"Maybe I can ask my brother to watch her? I'm not sure if he'll be busy," Mark furrows his eyebrows and Haechan reaches out to massage them with his thumbs, "Don't do that, you'll make your face all wrinkly." Both boys laughed as Haechan retracted his hands. "I'm thinking about introducing her to the group, of course when she starts feeling comfortable," Mark announced. "They're going to love her and spoil her so much," Haechan said and thought about how crazy their group acts when they see babies, especially Jaemin. Mark smiled and nodded a little, "I hope they will."

They talked for a bit more until Mark felt Min-ji stir in his arms, rubbing her eyes with her small hands. "Hi, Nena," Mark greeted his baby and she just blinked, still trying to adjust to the sunlight after waking up. Mark placed her in between him and Haechan on the bench. She looked up at Mark, then at Haechan and slithered off the bench. Thank goodness Mark put on her sneakers they bought, or her feet would be all muddy by now. She crouched down on the ground and pulled two sunflowers out from the dirt.

She turned back around facing the two boys and waddled towards them. She gave one flower to Mark and the other to Haechan. "Thank you, Min-ji," both boys cooed at the cute baby girl in front of them. Min-ji turned back around and looked at the concession stand, that had stuffed animals on it. Mark smiled and said "How about we eat dinner, yeah?"

Haechan stood up along with Mark. Min-ji raised her arms, making grabby hands at Mark. He picked her up and they walked to the concession stand. They ordered hot dogs and fries, with two water bottles since Haechan saved Min-ji's juice from earlier. Min-ji was too focused on the pink stuffed penguin and Mark took notice to it. He asked the employer at the stand how much the stuffed penguin was when she moved her eyes elsewhere and handed over the money. The employer removed the stuffed penguin from the rack and gave it to Mark without the baby noticing. Haechan smiled at the older, thinking about how thoughtful and kind he is to his baby.

They walked back over to the bench and Haechan set the food down besides them. "Min-ji, are you hungry?" Haechan asked the baby. She looked down and both boys already knew the answer. "Here, we got you some french fries," Haechan held a fry in front of her, waiting for her to grab it. She eventually did and ate it. She ate, hesitantly, but still finished half the plate and Mark was really happy she was eating. Haechan gave her the juice box from earlier and she drank the rest.


Mark drove back to his apartment with his baby and Haechan. He unlocked his apartment door and they walked inside. Haechan placed Min-ji on the couch while Mark locked the door. They removed their sneakers, along with the baby's. "Min-ji, I have something for you," Mark told his baby and pulled out the pink stuffed penguin Min-ji was eyeing earlier from behind his back. Mark saw Min-ji's eyes light up for a split second and then she quickly looked down. Mark sighed and walked closer to her.

"It's okay, Min-ji. You can have it. It'sfor you," Mark tried to reassure his baby. It was silent, until he heard his baby speak quietly, but loud enough for both boys to hear. "..have?" Min-ji asked Mark and he was confused on what the baby was trying to ask. "I...have..toy?" That's when Mark understood.

Why is she asking permission to have the stuffed animal? She's always looking down when she think's she isn't allowed to do or have something and Mark took note to that. Mark nodded and extended his arm with the penguin in his hand. "Yes, Nena. I bought it for you. You can have the toy," Mark softly said with a sweet smile. Min-ji hesitantly took the stuffed toy from Mark's hand and hugged it.


Poor Min-ji...

Ahh, I hope I'm not boring you! It'll get better!

Sorry for any grammatical errors and cringeworthy aspects! Please comment and leave a vote if you'd like! Thank you so much.

Please stay safe, happy, and healthy!♡

<1310 words>

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