~You Are A Miracle To Me~

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//tw: mentions of abuse and rape

It's been a few days since the whole incident happened and Min-ji hasn't left Mark's side, besides him going to work and school. This whole thing had been traumatizing for Min-ji and Mark felt he did a terrible job at being a parent. He failed to protect her. Haechan, of course always reminded him that he did his best to protect her.

After that incident, Mark had to go to the hospital and stay the night because he needed stiches and he had a concussion. Min-ji didn't want to be without Mark, so Haechan brought her to visit him. She wouldn't dare fall asleep unless Mark was present in the same room.

Haechan's leg was fine, the paramedics had cleaned the scrapes and it was sore for a few days. Min-ji's back and forearms had nasty bruises, due to Karina holding them tightly and slamming her into the wall. Who slams a baby into a wall? Mark and Haechan were both glad Karina was out of their lives for good. After they were cleaned up by the paramedics that day, they made a statement to the police and Mark made sure to mention her past activities, the raping and abusing.

Their friends and family were worried for the both of them, but the two boys said everything was fine. They told them that Karina got taken to jail for harrassment, but they didn't mention anything else because Mark wasn't comfortable talking about it.

It was Wednesday and Mark's classes were canceled today. He was more than glad about it, even though he had to go to work later. Mark was lying down, with Min-ji beside him. She's been wanting to sleep with Mark ever since that day.

Min-ji woke up and sat up, wincing in pain because her body was hurting. Mark was still asleep and Min-ji crawled on top of him in pain and placed both her hands on his face. Mark fluttered his eyes open and smiled, "Good morning, Min-ji." Min-ji just stared at him blankly, causing Mark to frown and she soon shook her head.

"Hurt?" Min-ji asked, her hands were still on his cheeks. "No Min-ji. I'm feeling much better than before," Mark told her. "Are you in pain? Let me see your wrists," Mark sat up and softly pulled her hands away to look at her wrists. They were purple and blue, still healing. He caressed the slash on Min-ji's cheek from when she was slapped, surprised that the baby didn't flinch at his touch. Min-ji just gazed at him and let herself fall on top of him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

She was warming up to him, but Mark wished the situation was different and that she didn't have to go through such a terrible past.

Mark gently rubbed her back, afraid of rubbing to hard on her bruises. He kissed the top of her forehead and softly spoke, "Has your mommy done anything like that before?" He felt her body stiffen for a few moments and she slowly nodded her head. Mark's heart hurt for his baby. He felt so bad and he didn't know why that happened to her. He can only imagine how much worse it was for her and that made him upset. If only he found out about having her earlier, maybe things would have been different. "I'm sorry, Min-ji, but don't worry. She's away now and won't hurt you anymore, I promise," Mark assured the baby who sat up on his lap.

"Does you sleeping relate to anything that has to do with her?" Mark questioned and the baby just stared at him with a confused expression. This probably wasn't wat Doyoung meant when he said not to ask her out of the blue, but he couldn't wait any longer. "What I mean is, is she the reason you can't fall asleep?" Mark tried to ask as simply as he can. "..she hurt while sleep...I hide," Min-ji said, just above a whisper. Mark's eyes widened and the baby continued speaking, "She yell and hit all time."
"What did she yell at you for?" Mark softly asked while rubbing he cheek with his thumb. Min-ji shrugged, "She no love. She no like. Always hit for anything." Min-ji spoke in fragmented sentences, but Mark understood completely.

"She no let eat, no sleep, no play. Scared," Min-ji's lips quivered, tears brimming from her eyes. Mark cannot believe what he is hearing. His baby has been through a lot of physical and mental abuse. How could Karina hurt such a precious baby? She must be pysco. He quickly engulfed her into a hug, careful not to press too hard on her bruises and whispered a bunch of apologetic and assuring words.


Johnny greeted Mark once he came through the door after work. Min-ji waddled her way to Mark and wrapped her tiny arms aroun his legs. Mark smiled and lifted her up, "Hi, Min-ji. Were you being good?" Min-ji nodded her head. "As always," Johnny added as they walked over to the couch. "How are you doing?" Johnny asked his younger brother. Mark flashed a smile, "Better, we're healing just fine."

"Good, I'm glad everything is okay," Johnny stated and Mark nodded in agreement. "So am I. I was thinking about going to my job this Friday to play piano," Mark said. "That's exciting. You haven't played that much recently so I'm glad you're going to start again," Johnny replied.

"Me too, plus Min-ji really likes piano, so I just want to show her and hopefully cheer her up," Mark insisted and looked down at Min-ji, who was fast asleep in his arms. "Awe, that's sweet. Maybe you should teach her sometime," Johnny suggested. "Maybe," Mark giggled.

Soon Johnny had left after Mark finished showering. He checked on Min-ji in her room to make sure she was still sleeping and plopped himself on his bed. He took out his phone and texted his best friend.

Friday, I'm going to play some piano. You wanna join?

Sure, you're playing for Min-ji right?

I mean I could play for you too ;)

Shut up omg

XD you're too cute

Oh my gosh stop-

I'll tag along with you guys

Great, I have a suprise for you

Oh? A surprise you say? Do tell

Then it wouldn't be a surprise silly XD

Fineee, I'll see you on Friday

Goodnight Markie♡♡

Goodnight Hyuckie, sleep well♡♡♡

Mark charged his phone and stared at the ceiling. He's only got to wait a couple more days till the big day. The day he wants to make everything official. But of course, he wouldn't do that unless Min-ji was comfortable with it.


Sorry for any grammatical errors.

Please stay safe♡

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