~Drawing you again~

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Mark got dressed for school, wearing a hoodie and khakis, with his work shirt underneath. College professors don't really care what you wear. Better yet, college professors don't even care if you show up to class or not. If you do, cool you have the information on the material that was discussed during the lecture. If you don't, well then you're screwed and you're going to be lost. Once exams come by again, you better be hoping you pass. This is why Mark was serious about school and always had been since he was a child.

Mark is now a senior in college. He wants to be a music producer. Mark always had a passion for music, hence the reason why he works at the Music Department. He loves how music allows you to discover a new world. A new world in which everything is calm and surreal. Of course, some people may just call it imagination, but Mark calls it a way of expressing yourself. Music is and always will he be his safe place, his escape from reality.

Haechan had arrived and was eating his lunch at the dinning table as Mark got ready. Mark grabbed his belongings and swung his backpack over his shoulders. "I'm heading out, Hyuckie," Mark said as he slid on his sneakers. "Okay, I'll see you tonight. Be careful," the younger replied as he stuffed his face.

"Min-ji, I'm going out for a little. I'll be back, okay?" Mark told his baby who was watching TV on the couch. She slid down the couch and waddled her way to Mark. Mark crouched down to the baby girl in front of him. "I'll see you later, okay? I'll be right back, I promise," Mark assured her and reached out to move a strand of hair that fell on her face, but of course she flinched. Mark flashed her a small smile, "Bye, bye Nena. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Mark then left and Haechan had finished his lunch, wiping his mouth with a napkin. He washed the dishes and his hands. He walked over to where Min-ji was was sitting and asked, "What do you want to do, Min-ji?" Min-ji, who now lost her focus on the TV in front of her, stared at him. She fiddled with her fingers, biting her lip and looked down. She slowly lifted her head and spoke ever so quietly, "...dough."

Haechan had no idea what she was talking about, but nonetheless nodded with a smile. "Sure, can you show me?" Min-ji pushed the door open as she waddled inside her room, grabbing the pack of play dough in small, yellow containers. She walked back to Haechan and sat on the living room floor, handing the pack of play dough for him to open.

Haechan removed and opened the containers and sat on the floor next to her. Him and Min-ji began building sculptures, well attempting to build them.


"You're just like your daddy, you know?" Haechan giggled at the baby girl on his lap. Min-ji was fascinated by the classical music, a piano piece to be exact, playing on Haechan's phone. She had already eaten and was given a bath. Haechan left some of the meal he cooked for dinner for Mark.

Mark entered the apartment, taking off his sneakers and letting his backpack drop to the floor. He observed then scene in front of him. Min-ji's eyes lit up in fascination. "Ah, Fur Elise. A classic," Mark said as he sat down next to Haechan. Min-ji pointed at the screen with eagerness in her eyes. "She seems to really like music," the younger stated. "Sounds like someone I know," Haechan giggled as Mark smiled and nodded. "What can I say? It's in our blood," Mark giggled.

Min-ji got off of Haechan's lap and sat on the floor, reading her instruments book. "How was your day? You look tired," Haechan worriedly stated. Mark smiled, "It went well, extremely productive too. I'm okay, don't worry. I'm just a tiny bit tired. What about you? Was Min-ji okay? I hope there wasn't any trouble."

"You don't even have to ask that! She is a little angel. Everything went perfectly fine," Haechan assured the older male. Mark massaged his thigh, near his knee, and gave a it a small squeeze. Haechan's breath hitched at the sudden action. He quickly composed himself without letting the older noticing anything.

"I'm glad..thank you so much Hyuckie. I don't know what I'd do without you," Mark said with a smile and Haechan lightly tapped his arm. "You don't need to thank me silly," Haechan giggled and said, "but you're so welcome."


Mark took a quick shower as Haechan helped Min-ji clean up. He dried himself and wore his pajamas. It was already half past nine and Haechan tucked Min-ji in bed, getting ready to leave. Mark thanked the younger for the food he made and walked him to the front door. "Get home safe, okay? Make sure to text me when you arrive, hm?" Mark told him and a blush crept on Haechan's face as he gave a smile, "I will." Haechan walked out and Mark locked the door behind him.

Mark opened Min-ji's room door, "Goodnight, Min-ji." She sat up and looked at Mark. "Get some rest please...try to sleep," Mark told her softly and he left her room, leaving her door halfway open. Mark walked inside his room, turning on his light and sat on his desk. He had a few homework assignments to do before he goes to bed. He played his music playlist with a low volume, not wanting to wake Min-ji up if she was sleeping.

Halfway through his last assignment, Mark recieved a text from his best friend.

I'm home Mr. Lion

Mark laughed at the name the younger called him.

Alright, I'm glad sunshine. Have a good night and sleep well

I will, you do the same. Goodnight♡

Just like the other night, Mark's heart did flips as he read his messages. He quickly regained himself and finished up his assignment before going to bed.


Mark woke up the next morning with a smile on his face as he looked down. Min-ji, with her lips agape and cheeks slightly pink, was laying on top of Mark again. It made the older question why she wasn't sleeping in her own room, not that he minds her being with him, he's just confused. Is she having trouble falling asleep again? Is she having nightmares? Does she feel uncomfortable? Mark's mind was racing with questions he didn't know the answer to, but wanted to find out soon.


Please stay safe out there guys!

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