~I can live just like that~

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*this picture has me- LMFAO*

"Did the appointment go well?" Haechan asked. They were all heading back to Mark's apartment, where their friend group was waiting on their return. "Yeah, we're going to try something new to help her sleep and talk a bit more," Mark explained and the younger nodded. "Do you mind if we make a quick stop to the store and pick up her prescription?" Mark asked. "No, not at all," the
younger replied.


They entered Mark's apartment with a few bags in their hands. Haechan placed Min-ji down and removed his sneakers. Mark had bought her puzzles and some educational flashcards. The other boys were sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"How was her appointment?" Jeno asked. "It went well. She completed a puzzle in the doctor's office and she seemed to enjoy it so I got some for her," Mark replied to his friend, holding up the bag. "That's great! She's really smart, she'll complete those puzzles quickly," Jeno said with his eye-smile. 

"I take it you guys ate," Haechan said as he took a look in the kitchen sink. "Yup, and you didn't have any," Chenle stuck out his tongue. "Okay number one, I already ate and number two, do you want me to chop your tongue off with this knife?" Haechan picked up a knife, raising it in the air. "Goodness, we should call you yandere chan," Chenle responded. "What?! I'm no where like-" Haechan was cut off. "Can y'all shup up, we're trying to watch a movie," Renjun said, annoyed.

Haechan huffed and walked over to Chenle, dragging him by the arm off the couch. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll be good," Chenle screeched out apologies and Haechan released him, "Don't try me."

Min-ji was at the dinning table, concentrating on putting her new puzzle together. She didn't pay attention to the ruckus as she focused on fitting the puzzle piece in its correct spot. The boys weren't over baringly loud.


Everyone was relaxing after dinner and were chatting with one another. Min-ji was still at the dinning table, solving her third puzzle. Laughter filled the atmosphere in the room, but soon it died down and everyone became serious

"Not to be gross or anything, but this is pretty serious," Jeno started. Their attention was now on Jeno, as they anxiously waited for his next words. "I thought you only had...you know it.. with your ex once," Jeno recalled.

"I did. Why?" Mark asked curiously as the golden haired boy spoke again. "Wasn't that senior year of high school though?" Haechan's eyes widened and mumbled, "oh my gosh."

"Yeah, I don't get what you're trying to say," Mark answered honestly. The boys exchanged looks, leaving a confused Mark. "You told us Min-ji is only two, just turned two at that. Senior year was almost four years ago," Renjun added. It took a minute for Mark to process their words and he soon understood what they were saying. How could Mark have a two year old daughter, when he only did it once and that was almost four years ago. The numbers weren't adding up and this had Mark confused. "I...I'm not sure what to say. It was only that one time," Mark said.

"Are you sure?" Jaemin asked, "You can tell us anything you know." Mark was starting to get agitated since his friends weren't believing him, "I said it was only once! I know that for a fact! I never did it again, we broke up a few months after the fact." Everybody was taken back by Mark's sudden outburst and Haechan placed his hand on his thigh. "How about we play some Uno, yeah?" Haechan said, trying to change the subject and calm Mark down. "I'm sorry," Mark said as he noticed Min-ji's eyes were now on him. "I didn't mean to snap, I'm just confused."

"No, no it's okay we understand. It can be pretty stressful, but know that we're all here for you and that we love you," Jaemin said as everybody else nodded in agreement. "Now let's play some Uno losers!" Chenle eagerly said and shoved Jisung to the side. "Was that neccessary?" Jisung glared at the older boy. "Very," Chenle smirked. "When's the wedding?" Jeno teased and the two youngest blushed.

Min-ji waddled her way over to Mark and sat on his lap, hugging his waist. She can sense her father's stress and annoyance and she doesn't want him to feel that way. Mark smiled at his baby's gesture, but was still in thought about this whole situation. Haechan could sense Mark in deep thought and gave his thigh a light squeeze. Mark turned his face towards him and Haechan smiled. "We'll talk later, okay?" Haechan mouthed the words to Mark and he nodded.


Oh boy...

I hope all is well! Sorry for any grammatical errors!

Please stay safe!

<829 words>

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