Chapter 25

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Sierra's POV

I woke up with the world's most excruciating headache. "Jesus fuck." I whispered holding my head. "Friday, close the curtains." I said to the AI and she did as told and shut the window, the sunlight becoming less bright in the room. I shut my eyes but the feeling of my head pounding didn't subside. "Peter?" I said, shaking him slightly. "Hmm? What is it honey?" He asked, noticing the look of pain spread across my face. "I need advil." I said, opening my eyes to look at him. "Okay, where is it?" He asked, untangling from the covers and getting out of the bed ready to help. "In my bathroom cabinet on the top shelf." I explained and put a pillow over my face, shutting out the rest of the light. "Why would you put something on the top shelf? You're so short." He laughed and walked into the bathroom, grabbing the medication for me.

"Haha very funny." I smiled, grabbing the bottle from his hand and taking two out and taking them. "I have some spiderman stuff to do with your dad today." He said, causing me to look at him. "Okay, I know I'm supposed to go to the Avengers facility today after school." I said, getting up to get ready for the day. I wore white sweatpants and one of Peter's hoodies, throwing my hair into a messy bun. I grabbed the ring my dad gave me for my suit and put it on my right hand as my promise ring was on the left. "Are you ready to go?" I asked Peter after we brushed our teeth and my hair. "Yes." He said. We walked downstairs and past my dad. "Do you guys want something to eat?" He asked and I threw up in my mouth a little. "Do not mention food." I said, walking out the door with Peter as my dad laughed.

We pulled into the school parking lot and got out of the truck after shutting it off and grabbing our bags. I locked it and grabbed Peter's hand and we walked into school. "Remember, prom is this week!" The announcements called. I smiled and tugged on his hand. "Are you excited for Friday?" I asked him and he looked down at me and smiled. "Of course I am, you're gonna look so beautiful." He said, causing me to blush and look down as we navigated the halls. "I can't believe your dad was home last night." Peter laughed as we reached our locker. We shared one now to cut down the time it takes us between classes. "I know right, he said he wouldn't be home for a week." I said, putting in the combination and grabbing out my books that I needed.

"Come on, let's get to class." Peter smiled, putting his arm around me and walking to class. We take our seats in the back of the room, not really paying attention to what the teacher was saying. "Miss Stark? Mr. Parker? Are you listening?" The teacher suddenly called, pulling me away from the video I was watching on my phone. "Yes of course." I replied to which she cocked her eyebrow at, I did the same. "Then what were we just talking about?" She asked, I tapped my watch a few times and it showed me what I was supposed to say. "The periodic table, ma'am." I said. She looked at me slightly dumbfounded, "Okay, then I guess you were paying attention. I apologize." She said and continued teaching.

Me and Peter walked out to my truck after school was over. "Do you want me to take you to my dad?" I asked, unlocking my truck as we crossed the lot. "Yeah that sounds good." He replied, seeming to be lost in thought. "Is something wrong?" I asked, stopping in my tracks and tugging him back towards me. "Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go." He said, pulling me the rest of the way to the truck. We got in and I put my bag in the backseat. We drove to my house in silence, but for some reason it felt different. When we pulled up to my house he leaned over and gave me a kiss. "I love you, Sierra." He said, getting out of the truck but leaving his bag. "I love you too babe." I smiled. He closed his door and walked into the house and I pulled away to go to the Avengers facility.

I pulled into the lot and put the truck in park. I was about to cut the engine when my phones ringtone played over the speakers. I clicked the green button on my dash, "Hello?" I asked, grabbing my puff out of the center console. "Hey Stark." Allens voice rang through the speaker. "Oh hey Allen, what's up?" I smiled, he was one of my best friends. I had feelings for him when me and my dad went to Florida with the Avengers for vacation but we got past it. "Nothing, I wanted to hang out, what are you doing?" He asked. "I'm with the Avengers right now at the facility but Peter and I could probably do something after." I replied, I didn't want him to be bored and he is one of my best friends. "Okay, sounds good. See you then, Stark." "Okay, bye." I said, hanging up the phone and turning off the truck.

"Nat I need to practice with my suit." I said, we had been training for about an hour now. "Fine, fine. Go change." She said, grabbing her water bottle to take a drink. "No need, this ring-" I began, holding up my right hand, "Has my suit in it." I smiled, she looked at me questionably. "There's no ring." She pointed out, I looked at my hand and rolled my eyes. "Then it's in my truck, I'll go get it." I laughed, walking out of the training room and out the front doors to my truck. I was reaching for the door handle when someone wrapped a hand around my face with a cloth. "Don't struggle." He said, sounding like someone familiar. I looked out of the corner of my eye and caught a glimpse of his face: Allen. Suddenly the world went black.

Nat's POV

I looked down at the watch on my wrist. It's been 10 minutes and she still isn't back yet, I walked out of the training room and ran into Steve. "Have you seen little Stark?" I asked, he looked slightly confused. "No, don't tell me you lost Tony's kid. He's gonna kill you." He said with a laugh like it was some kind of joke. "No Steve I'm serious. She was just going out to her truck. She should've been back by now." I said, getting a little more worried. "It's okay Nat, she's a big girl. I'm sure she's somewhere around here." He said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Let's just look around." I said, walking over to the steps and down them with Steve behind me. "I'll check by her truck, you look around in here." I decided, he nodded and we parted ways. I walked out into the parking lot to see her truck a little farther away than she usually parks, which was odd but not as odd as the note on the window. I walked over and pulled it down, 'Richards 1 Avengers 0' I ran back inside, clutching the note tightly in my hand, "STEVE!" I yelled. I could hear his heavy footsteps, "What? What's wrong?" He asked. I pushed the note into his hands and realization hit his face. "Call Tony. Now!" He said, I grabbed my phone and dialed the number. "Stark speaking." He said in a funny accent. "Tony, it's serious." I said, I could feel his whole demeanor change. "What is it, Nat? If it isn't about my daughter I can't deal with it right now." He said and whispered something to someone on the other end.

"Well, It's about Sierra, she's gone." I said.

Tony's POV

Not again. "Okay Nat, I'll be right there." I said, ending the call. "Parker, suit up, this is gonna have to wait." I said, going to get my suit on. "What happened Mr. Stark? Is she okay?" Peter asked while putting on his suit behind Sierra's closed door. "I don't know kid, we have to hurry." I said, he came out the door as soon as I said that. "I'm ready." He said, walking down the stairs. He exited with me behind him and we made our way to the facility.

"Okay Nat, what happened?" I asked. We were currently all sitting in the meeting room trying to gather as much information as possible. "We were training and she said she needed to practice with her suit, she went to her truck to get a ring and never came back." She said. I nodded, why wouldn't she be wearing the ring already. "She likes to toy with the rings, she was probably fidgeting with it in the truck, but that wouldn't make any sense unless she was in the for a bit after she stopped the vehicle." Peter spoke up, we all looked at him. "Kid I think you're onto something. Friday, show me footage from all cameras from the last 6 hours." I said, a screen coming down from the ceiling showing me footage. I scrolled through until I saw her truck pull in.

Everyone gathered behind me so they could see what was happening. "She looks like she's talking to someone." Peter said. "Friday pause, before we get to the end of this, is there any other vital information you guys have?" I asked, pivoting in my chair to look at everyone. "Nat found a note." Steve said, handing me a small white sheet of paper. "Richards 1 Avengers 0? What does this mean?" I questioned. Everyone shrugged their shoulders and turned back to the screen. "Friday play." I said. She ended the call, exited the truck and went inside. I skipped ahead about an hour and the camera went black. "What happened?" Peter asked, confused, tapping on the monitor. "Easy kid, someone hacked the system." "If someone hacked the system wouldn't you be notified, Tony?" Steve pointed out. "Yeah, I should've been." I said, taking out my phone and tapping a few buttons. "I didn't receive any notification about it." I said.

Peter grabbed the note and looked at it closely. "Richards..." He trailed, seeming to be thinking about something. "I know this name, she's mentioned someone with this last name but I don't remember who she was talking about." He said, defeated. "Hey kid, it's okay. We're gonna find her." I said, patting him on the shoulder. "This isn't your fault." With that we all went back to searching for clues as to what could've happened. 

My Stark (Peter Parker x Starks Daughter)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora