Chapter 6

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Sierra's POV

I pulled into the lot and cut the engine, I hopped out of my truck. I walked away while hitting the lock button on the fob. I walked up to the front doors and opened one and stepped into the hallway, feeling students eyes on me. I ignored the feeling and made my way to my locker. On the way there I felt someone grab my arm, expecting it to be Peter, I turned quickly with a smile on my face. To my dismay I see it wasn't him. My smile faltered a little but I kept it up. "Hi, I'm Sierra." I said and he gave me a devilish grin. "Hello, darling, I'm Flash Thompson and you're mine now." He stated, I flinched at the pet name but shrugged my shoulders. He wasn't bad looking and he could be a nice guy.

(Flash is played by Justin Pretice in this book)

Flash walked me to my locker and to my first class. I thanked him and he kissed my cheek. I smiled at the gesture and walked into the classroom. I saw Peter and waved at him and he followed me to my desk. "Were you with Flash just now?" He asked me with a worried expression. I nodded, "He claimed me and he isn't bad looking. I'm just gonna go with it and see what happens." I smiled at Peter.

He nodded and walked back to his desk as class started. I took notes for me and Peter's project today and we got 10 minutes of free time at the end of class. I pulled out my phone and Airpods. "Friday, play my Stark playlist." I whispered to my phone to make sure no one heard. The music came flooding into my ears through the headphones. I smiled and doodled in my notebook. The bell rang for class to end and I walked up to Peter, to walk with him to class of course. We had it together, as I stepped out the door Flash was pulling me away from Peter.

 "What's up?" I asked with a smile. He continued to pull me into the corner where the lockers and the wall almost meet. "Stay away from him. Do you understand me?" He said with a stern tone. Not gonna lie it scared me, it wasn't like my dad and I having a fight, this seemed more like a threat. I gulped and nodded. His expression changed from one of anger to happiness in a millisecond. "Good, let's get you to class, I don't want you to be late on your second day." He said and he walked with me to math. We said our goodbyes and he kissed my cheek again. 

I walked in and looked at Peter, I smiled and he gave me one back. I felt like he could see the fear in my eyes. Flash scared me, I couldn't stick up for myself. Not against him. The rest of the day went pretty much the same as first period. Flash meeting me outside every class and walking me to the next. He made me sit with him at lunch too which was awkward since he sat with a bunch of stuck up cheerleaders.

Finally the last bell rang, I snuck out of the class a few minutes early with Peter so we could get to my truck before Flash got to me. We made it outside 30 seconds before the bell rang and I saw Flash standing on the drivers side of my truck. I gulped and got scared. He walked up to me and Peter and grabbed my hand gently in front of Peter. "I need to talk to my girl for a second and then you can have her back." He smiled devilishly to Peter and pulled me along behind him until we reached a tree.

 He pushed me against the tree where no one could see and whisper shouted at me, "I thought I told you to stay away from him!" He said and I gulped. "I-i'm sorry, after today I won't talk to him anymore but we got paired up for a project and we have to work on it tonight. It will be done tomorrow and we present Friday." I said scared. I didn't know what Flash was gonna do. He gripped the upper part of my arms tight enough to leave a bruise and pushed me harder against the tree. "Y-you're hurting me Flash.." I trailed off, "I don't give a shit. You're my eye candy, stay away from Peter." he said and walked me back to my truck. I smiled at him and got in. "Take care of my girl, Parker. I'm counting on you." Flash said before I closed the door. Peter scoffed and rolled his eyes. I started the truck and drove off. I still felt shaken up about the events that transpired, I need to focus on the road. I kept telling myself that and we eventually made it to my house. 

We got out of the truck and walked inside to see my dad on the couch again. "Hey, we're just gonna go work on our project for a bit." I said to my dad who nodded and me and Peter walked upstairs into my room. "What happened at school today?" Peter asked me, referring to the tree incident. I smiled at him, "Nothing Flash just wanted to tell me something. I'm sorry I took so long." I apologized and he shook his head, "You have to reason to apologize, I just thought he was gonna hurt you." He stated honestly. "No, he didn't do anything except talk to me. Lets get to work on that project." I said, quickly changing the subject. Peter nodded and we went into my lab.

-2 hours later, 7pm-

We finally finished the project and we watched Netflix on my laptop for a little bit. "Hey, aunt May just texted and asked me to come home. Can you drop me off again?" He asked with puppy eyes and I giggled. "Of course I can, I love driving my truck." I said. We walked out of my room and downstairs. I told my dad I would be back and we got in the truck and left. The ride to Peter's was fun, he learned a Taylor Swift song for me last night. It was cute to hear him sing honestly, but I'm with Flash, who I very much like. Peter and I said our goodbyes and I drove home. 

My Stark (Peter Parker x Starks Daughter)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt