Chapter 2

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Sierra's POV

August 1st, 2021

I sigh as I lay in bed and look at a picture of my mom, dad and I. Its been 12 years since we lost her. I felt a tear escape my eye as I stared at the picture. My dad was in his suit and my mom in hers, holding me when I was three. We were all smiling and happy. It's different now, I'm 17 and starting my senior year of high school. I put the picture down and walked down stairs to see my dad.

"Hey dad." I said as I walked into the kitchen to get a bowl of fruity pebbles, my moms favorite cereal. "Hey Sierra, how did you sleep?" he asked coldly, it feels like he hasn't cared since mom died. I put on a fake smile and acted happy, "I slept good, I actually wanted to talk to you about something important." I said while looking at him, changing my happy expression to one of business. "May we go to your office?" I asked. He nodded in approval and we made our way there after I finished eating.

I walked in first and sat in his big rolling chair and he said across. "Wow this must be really important for you to steal my chair." he said sarcastically, it was important. "I wanna go to school dad, real school. I'll change my name so no one knows I'm a Stark but dad this is my last year, I need this experience and mom would've wanted me to have it too." I said and looked at his face with all the seriousness in the world so he knew I wasn't gonna back down from this fight.

"I don't know Sierra, it's dangerous out there and how will I be able to see that you're acting right?" He asked me, trying to find every excuse in the world to not let me go. He and I both knew he didn't have a valid point. I arched my brow at him and cocked my head to the side. "You're just looking for excuses at this point right? You don't actually have a valid reason for me to not be able to go. Besides one of your interns goes to the same school and I know you're training him to be an Avenger so once again there is no logical reason for me to not be able to go." I said with a smirk and he looked at me defeated, knowing he lost the argument I got up and walked to the door. "I'll be in my room if you think of one good reason." I said getting up and leaving.

Tony's POV

She was right, I didn't have any good reason why she couldn't go. I mean I did help create her, it's no wonder she got such a strong mind. She got my mind. I sighed and called the school and made arrangements for her to attend tomorrow. I gave her the name Sierra Rodgers, Steve wouldn't mind. It was the first common last name that came to my mind.

I walked up to her room and knocked on the door, "Come in!" she called and I entered the room. "You are enrolled at Middletown High, you start tomorrow so you should get a goodnights sleep, wouldn't want you to wake up with a slow mind in the morning." I said and she smiled at me, I could tell this one was genuine. That's the first time it's been real since her mom died. She nodded and said thank you and I walked out of the room. I was satisfied with my decision and went to my room and went to sleep.

My Stark (Peter Parker x Starks Daughter)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora