Chapter 29

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Sierra's POV

April 1st, 2022

It had been 2 weeks since prom and since I told everyone what really happened with Allen. The rape kit came back positive for his DNA like I knew it would and my dad got me a lawyer. Today was the first hearing, "Sierra, hurry up we're gonna be late!" My dad called. I hurried up and finished my hair which was in delicate curls. I stood from my vanity and straightened my outfit. I wore black slacks, a white button down with a matching black blazer and some dress shoes.

 I walked downstairs to meet my dad and we walked out the door together. Peter stood on the driveway wearing a suit similar to my dads. I smiled at him and gave him a hug and kiss. "Okay enough you two, get in the car." My dad said. We climbed in and we were off to the courthouse.

When we pulled into the parking lot I could see Allen and his family on the other side of the lot and all the Avengers parked around us. I exited the car with Peter by my side, no one looking at the criminal across from us. "Hey sweetie, how are you holding up?" Uncle Steve asked, putting his arm around my shoulders as we stood in the parking lot waiting for 11:30 when we were supposed to go in. "I'm okay, really hoping I win this." I said with a dull smile. "Well we're with you every step of the way." Nat smiled.

11:30 came quickly and we all entered the courtroom, my dad, the lawyer and I sitting at one end of the table and Allen and his lawyer sitting at the other end. "Plaintiff, approach the stand." The judge said, my lawyer and I stood and I walked up on the stand. "You raped me." I started into the microphone, making eye contact with Allen. "You held me down and forced yourself on me. You continued when I begged you to stop, when I told you it was my first time. You took my innocence in the most inhumane way possible, I did not consent." I finished. "Walk me through your half of the story." The judge proceeded.

"I was at my family's facility training, I went to my truck to get another set of equipment when I was approached by Mr. Richards," I let out a sigh, "He grabbed me from behind and put a cloth over my mouth. I blacked out and woke up in a cold, dark room. I don't know who entered the room but they told Richards that I was awake, he entered the room and we had a conversation." I said, "What did he say to you?" The judge pressed. I took a deep breath and relayed the conversation to her. "Now, the attack." She said. I took another deep breath and looked at Peter who looked absolutely heart broken, to my dad who looked like he had failed me and to Nat, she looked the most torn up about this. I looked back at Allen. "March 15, 2022, he came into the room after being gone for about an hour. I was sat in the corner, scared. He grabbed me by my arms and slammed me to the ground." I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. "He removed my clothing and then his, before he assaulted me he said 'if you tell anyone about this, I will kill you.' He inserted himself into me and he raped me for 30 minutes." I finished, tears streaming down my face.

"Okay, you may exit the stand. Can I have the defendant approach the stand now?" The judge said. I stood up, my knees wobbling and walked down the short staircase and met my lawyer at the bottom. I returned to my seat next to my dad and laid my head on his shoulder. "It's gonna be okay." He whispered in my ear and I nodded, still crying. "Mr. Richards, please tell us your side of the story." The judge asked. "Of course your honor, I did not rape this girl." He stated. My eyes widened as my head lifted off my dad's shoulder, "She asked for it. She told me to meet her at the facility, we got in my car and I drove her back to my house. We had consensual sex. She's 18 and I'm 21, both legal. I never forced her to do anything." He finished. "I have a daughter myself, I wouldn't want anything like what Ms. Stark is describing to happen to her so why would I put someone else's child through that trauma."

I felt my blood start to boil. "Okay Mr. Richards, you may return to your seat." The judge said. He exited the podium and gave me a look as he sat down. "We have some images to show, they are graphic so if you get uncomfortable you are allowed to exit the courtroom." The judge said. Everyone turned to the tv screen in the corner which showed the images my dad took of the marks on my body. I held my breath, grabbing my dad's hand.

The hearing lasted a few hours longer and then it was over. "Court is adjourned." The judge said. We all got up and made our way to the car, no one saying anything. "We're on your side, Sierra. We will prove him guilty." Nat said once we got to the car, I nodded. "I know you are, I just really wanna go home now." I said, ducking into the car without another word. Peter got in next to me, "Why is he lying Peter?" I cried, he pulled me into his chest and shushed me. "I don't know baby, I don't know." He pet my hair while my dad got in the car and started it.

"It's gonna be okay, honey. I know it feels like it isn't right now but I promise you that you're gonna get justice." He said as we drove off to the house. 

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