Chapter 11

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Sierra's POV

I woke up around 9 and felt sick. I shouldn't have smoked last night. I got out of bed and the room started to spin, this isn't normal. I looked back at the bed and saw Peter still sleeping, I didn't want to bother him so I sat at the edge of the bed until the feeling subsided.

I walked into my bathroom once the feeling was gone and took a shower. I let the water soak my skin and washed my hair and body. I got out and walked back into the room and grabbed some comfy clothes and changed in the bathroom.

 I got out and walked back into the room and grabbed some comfy clothes and changed in the bathroom

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I straightened my hair and threw it up in a bun and walked back into my room. Peter was up and rubbing his eyes. "Good morning." He said, while stretching, my breath hitched, his voice was so deep. I regained composure and smiled in his direction, "Good morning." I said. I opened my door and walked downstairs as Peter left down the fire escape. After grabbing some of the clothes I had from Flash and changing of course.

I heard a knock on the door and instantly knew it was Peter. I walked and answered the door and sure enough, "Come in." I smiled and winked. My dad came down the stairs next. "Whos her-oh hello, Peter." My dad said while rubbing his eyes and walking to the kitchen. "Hey, Mr. Stark, good morning." Peter smiled and followed him into the kitchen. Peter and my dad both grabbed some pizza while I made myself a cup of coffee.

"Are you gonna eat?" My dad asked and I turned to face him, "No, I'm not hungry right now, maybe later." I said grabbing the creamer out of the fridge and pouring it into the coffee cup once it was done. Peter looked at me funny and I gave him a 'shut up before I hurt you.' look, he got the message and continued to eat the pizza.

Once Peter was done we went back up to my room and watched more TV

Tony's POV

I walked into my office once I was done eating, "Friday, pull up every security camera in and around the house." I said, "As you wish, Mr. Stark." The cameras came up and I backed up the video to 1am I sped through the frames until something that caught my eye came up. The camera in Sierra's room blurred, signaling she was changing at 2am, I furrowed my brows. It unblurred a minute later and I saw her walking around her room. She grabbed her keys and pulled a box out from under her bed and unlocked it, I couldn't see the contents of the box though. She closed the box and slipped on some shoes. The lights turned off and she climbed out the window. I looked at the camera screen out front and saw her get in her truck and roll it out of the driveway and down the street.

I skipped through the rest of the footage until I got to 3am, I watched her push the truck while someone steered for her. "Friday, zoom in on the windshield." I said and I saw...Peter? He was in the front seat controlling the wheel. They put the truck in park and Sierra stumbled to the back of the house to the fire escape. They both climbed up the steps and into the window. I look back at the camera to her room and see it blurred. "Oh hell no." I whispered angry. They both climbed into the bed and were watching the office. Sierra was laughing at the tv and so was Peter.

At 4:30 I knocked on the door and she jumped out of the bed and pushed Peter into the bathroom and put something in her eyes, eye drops, she threw them under the bed and opened the door. We had our conversation and I walked away. She shut and locked the door again and Peter came out, they got back into the bed and went to sleep.

The next activity was at 9 when Sierra woke up and Peter climbed out the window after changing, he walked to the front door and knocked and she opened it and that's when I came down the stairs. I watched the footage a few more times, each time I saw it I got more livid. She's 17, she can't do things like this and get away with it.

I dialed Pepper, maybe she could calm me down. "Hey Tony, what's up?" She spoke sweetly through the phone. "I need help." I said and told her the situation. "Well, she is 17, she's gonna do things like this Tony. Think about how you were at that age." She said. "Yeah that was me, I don't want my daughter doing that!" I exclaimed. How could she be so calm about this? We continued the conversation until she gave me good advice, I'm just gonna talk to Sierra after Peter leaves.

Sierra's POV

Me and Peter continued to watch a few more episodes of the office. "Hey, do you want to help me work on my truck?" I asked him, I looked over and he looked like he was thinking. "Sure, although I don't think I'll be of much assistance, I don't know a lot about cars." He said. I smiled, "It's okay, I'll teach you. I learned from my dad." I laughed at the memory of holding the flashlight as my dad explained things to me. "You're gonna need this someday when I'm not around." He would always say.

We got out of the bed and turned off the TV, slipped our shoes on and went out to my truck. I started it up and hid everything that my dad would get mad about in the console. Peter opened the garage and we walked in together. "I want to make it louder," I said, "obnoxiously loud." I laughed at that and so did Peter. I grabbed the tools I would need and both of the creepers and walked with Peter back to the driveway. "Okay, we're gonna need safety glasses for this." I said, grabbing both pairs out of my truck I walked back to Peter and handed him a pair.

We walked around the bed of the truck, "Okay so I'm gonna show you how to cut the exhaust first." I said and he nodded and we both rolled under the truck. I cut a section big enough for the cherry bomb to fit on. "Okay this is where the glasses come in handy." I said and we put them on. "Do you know how to weld?" I asked him, "No, do you?" He asked with a smile. "Yes, my dad taught me." I beamed, my dad was right, I would need the information he gave me one day, just not for the reason he thought.

We welded the cherry bomb onto the exhaust and rolled out from under the truck. "I'm gonna start it and you tell me how it sounds and then we will switch." I said while climbing into the truck. He gave me the go ahead and I started the truck. He winced at the sound and I cut the engine after a few seconds. "So, is it obnoxious?" I asked, "Yeah, it's pretty damn loud." He laughed and I threw him the keys. He climbed into my seat and started the truck, when it roared to life I could feel my face light up. My dad came out the front door and crossed his arms and leaned on the pillar. "So I see you put the cherry bomb on there, did Peter help?" He asked with a smile. "Yes, I taught him to weld like you taught me." I beamed and my dad looked proud. 

I started to get light headed again and held my head and leaned on the truck. "Are you okay, Sierra?" Peter asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said with a smile, "It's probably just the heat, can we go inside?" I asked while it started to worsen. "Yeah. Let's clean up first." He said and I nodded and started gathering the tools. We put everything back in the garage and walked into the house. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water and drank it and grabbed my pills out of the cabinet. I swallowed them down when Peter came around the corner.

"Aren't you supposed to eat with those?" Peter asked and I shushed him and motioned for him to go to my room. He obliged and I followed him upstairs. I closed the door and locked it. "We can't talk about it down there. There is surveillance down there." I said and he nodded. "I'm supposed to eat with it, yes, but I wasn't seeing results like that so I stopped." I said and looked into his eyes. He looked hurt and confused. "How long have you been on those pills?" He asked and I looked down embarrassed. "6 weeks.." I trailed. "I ate with it for the first 2 weeks and then I stopped eating except for little things here and there the past 4." I said and met his gaze again. He looked worried and I began to feel sick again. "Peter, I don't feel so good." I said and sat on the bed. "You're getting really pale, Sierra, you don't look so good. Do you want me to get Mr. Stark?" He asked and I shook my head. "No I feel better." I said and got up. The room began to spin and the last thing I remember before blacking out was Peter calling my dad into the room.

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