Chapter 27

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Sierra's POV

Prom Night

I put on my prom dress and looked in the mirror, Mj stood beside me. "You look amazing!" She smiled, no one but Mj knew what really took place that night. I told everyone else he beat me and that's what the blood was from. It wasn't a total lie, I did have cuts and bruises. "Thank you." I smiled and did a twirl. "Okay, let me help you get on your dress." I smiled. Ned and Peter were in my dad's room where he was helping them get ready and Pepper was also in here with us.

I zipped up MJ's dress and turned to look at Pepper. "What do you think?" She smiled at us and had tears in her eyes for me, "You're mother would've loved this moment." She said, causing me to tear up a little. "I know she would've." I sat at my vanity beside MJ and did our makeup and we put on our shoes. By 6:30 we were ready to go. We had already eaten so we're just gonna go straight there.

"Boys, the girls are ready." Pepper called down the stairs. I peaked around her and I could see Peter, he looked amazing. I smiled half heartedly at MJ and we exited my room. I could see their breaths hitch and my dad teared up. We walked downstairs smiling, "You look so heavenly, my angel." Peter smiled, taking my hand into his and helping me down the stairs the rest of the way. I could feel the blush creeping onto my face as he embraced me. We parted and I turned to look at my dad who had tears streaming down his face, "You look just like your mother." He smiled, I teared up for the second time tonight and hugged my dad, careful not to get makeup on his jacket.

"Are we ready to go?" My dad asked, grabbing the keys to the convertible. We all nodded and made our way outside. "Wait! I need pictures." Pepper said, running after us with her digital camera. We all stopped and turned to her. "Okay, first a group photo." She said, we all lined up in front of the car, the license plate reading 'STARK11' we smiled at the camera and waited for the flash which eventually came. "Okay, now Peter and Sierra." Me and Peter stood together and smiled at the camera, then smiled at each other and then Peter kissed me in one.

"Okay, lets go." Tony said. We all piled into the car, Ned and MJ in the seats in the back and me and Peter sitting on the trunk

 We all piled into the car, Ned and MJ in the seats in the back and me and Peter sitting on the trunk

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We pulled up in front of the school, Ned and MJ got out first and then Peter helped me out. "Okay, I'll be back at midnight to get you guys." My dad said, we waved as he drove off. "Who's ready to party?" I laughed, we walked inside and the theme of the dance was under the sea, fairly generic.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, do you guys want anything?" I asked. "I'll come with you." Peter smiled. Mj and Ned nodded, we walked up to the drink table and got glasses of punch. We turned to walk back to the group and handed them their drinks. "I'm gonna go see who's here, I'll be right back." I smiled, walking away and around the gym. I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye that I recognized. I turned to look at them directly to be met by the bright blue eyes of Allen. My breath caught in my throat and I ran back to Peter.

"Allen is here." I whispered, his eyes widened. "What do you mean he's here? How did he get in?" He questioned, as if on cue Allen walked up to us. "Hey Stark." He smirked devilishly, stroking a piece of my hair. I looked at Mj and she nodded. "Hey, Allen, let's dance." She said, grabbing his arm and dragging him away. I felt my heart begin to race. "I need air." I said, looking at Peter. He nodded knowingly, "Ned, we will be right back, keep an eye on MJ." Ned nodded and we walked out of the gym and into the night.

"Friday, call Irondad." I said into my watch. It rang twice and he picked up, "Hello?" He spoke, he sounded a little worried. "Dad, I'm having an attack." I said, Peter put his jacket around my shoulders as it was a little cold. "Okay, just breathe, do you want to come home?" He asked, I thought about it for a moment. "No, can you bring me my medicine though?" I asked, he said yes and we ended the call.

"I'm sorry." I said, looking up at Peter. "What for?" He looked confused, "You shouldn't have to deal with this." I said. He laughed, "Are you kidding? I'm in it for the long haul, babe." I smiled up at him and he kissed my forehead. My dad pulled up 10 minutes later. I opened the door to the passenger side of the car, "Hey sweetie, are you okay?" He asked, a little more worried than before. "Yeah I'm okay, don't worry." I smiled, it was false. I just saw my rapist at my prom.

The rest of the night went smoothly, no more run-ins with Allen who was here with Flash. It was about 11:30 at this point, "Okay everyone, gather around the stage. We're announcing king and queen!" A short older lady said through the microphone. My group was in the middle of the crowd and all the popular kids were in front of us. "Our prom king is.....Flash Thompson!" She smiled, cheers came from all around the gym except for us. "And our queen is.....Sierra Stark!" She shouted. I could feel my body go numb, I looked at Peter who had a big smile on his face. I walked up to the stage and they put a crown on top of my head.

"Traditionally our king and queen would dance together but we're gonna be doing something a little different. King will get to pick someone to dance with the queen and vice versa." She said. I felt my blood run cold, I looked out over the sea of people instantly finding my boyfriends eyes. He looked uneasy, "Sierra, since you are our queen you may choose first." The lady said, handing me the microphone. "Um..Cassidy." I smiled, pointing to a shorter girl in the front. She smiled and came onto the stage next to Flash. "Now Flash, it's your turn." The lady said after she took the mic from me and handed it to Flash. "Allen." He stated as if it was second nature.

I looked out over the crowd and saw Allen walking up to the stage. I froze up, too scared to deny the fate that was inevitably gonna consume me. "Hey Stark." He smirked while standing next to me. I looked up at him and forced a smile. "Okay, clear the floor for the dance." The lady called, the students creating a circle in the middle for us. I walked down the stage with Allen, Cassidy with Flash. The night we met by Lord Huron began playing and we danced. 

"Hey, remember this is our song." Allen whispered into my ear. My breath hitched and he pulled me tightly to him. "This was our song." I replied rudely, he grabbed my hand tighter as if it was gonna break and I winced slightly. "Don't be a cunt." He whispered. The song was nearing its end and he leaned down into my ear, "You will be mine." The song ended and we parted ways. I walked quickly back to Peter who took me into his arms. "I need to use the bathroom, MJ come with me." I said, getting out of his grip and pulling MJ along behind me. 

We reached the bathroom and I pulled MJ inside. "I can't do this." I cried, turning to face her with tears falling down my face. "He's a monster, he took the last bit of anything I had left." I sobbed. She pulled me into a hug and let me cry for a moment. "You have to tell Peter what happened, he needs to know." She said to me and I shook my head. "He's gonna leave me MJ." I cried again a little harder. She pulled back, holding me by the shoulders. "Are you kidding me? That boy loves you Sierra, he isn't gonna leave you." She assured me, hugging me one last time. "Okay, I don't like human touch, lets go." She said I laughed and walked out of the bathroom behind her.

"Hey babe." Peter smiled and kissed me. I laughed as we stood outside waiting for my dad. Ned and Mj left with their parents. "Hey, can we talk when we get back to my house?" I asked, looking around to make sure Allen or Flash weren't around us. "Yeah sure."

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