Chapter 17

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Sierra's POV

We worked on the plan all night last night. It was a good plan, everyone basically rejected most of my dads ideas, which were a little stupid when he worked on his own. We decided they would use me as bait, which was my idea, and when hydra finds me all the avengers would jump out and ambush them. They know what I drive and what I look like so it wouldn't be very hard to find me.

"Okay, I don't like this plan very much but it's clearly the only way that we have to be able to get all of them. We will wait until Peter comes after school to get this plan into action." My dad says and we all disperse into our assigned rooms. I went into mine and changed into some pajamas and got into bed so I could finally get some sleep. Planning a mission is hard, I see why my dad is always so tired now.

I woke up around 2:30 and got up and made my bed. I walked downstairs to go get something to eat and saw my dad rummaging through the fridge. "Are you scared?" I asked, causing him to jump. I guess he wasn't expecting me. "Yeah, of course I am, I'm putting the one thing that I have left on the line." He said, handing me an apple out of the drawer. I ate it silently, the only sound in the kitchen being the crisp crunch of the apple. "I'm sorry, dad." I said suddenly. He looked over at me, "For what?" He asked, confused. "For acting like I own the place and run everything. You just have to understand, dad, you got all these experiences and I just want to get them for myself." I said, causing him to get a far away look.

"Are you okay? You look lost for words." I said, getting out of my chair and walking over to him. He just nodded, not saying anything, I furrowed my brows and continued to stare at him. "I just don't want you to end up like me." He said, looking into my eyes now. "You have so much potential and I don't want to see you end up like me." I looked down, "I just want to be able to have freedoms, I'm 18 now, legally an adult. I'll always be your daughter but you have to give me room to flourish." I said and with that I walked out of the kitchen to let him think about it.

I walk up to my room and get ready for the mission, putting on the ring my dad made for me. It was a simple diamond ring on the outside but just like anything that comes from my dad, it's high tech. When I press the diamond my suit forms over my body and to take it off I just push the button again and it goes away. I put on a pair of ripped jeans, an AC/DC shirt and some converse. A simple outfit but it'll still draw hydra to me.

I went to exit my room but when I opened the door Nat was standing outside. I felt my soul leave my body as I jumped back, "Holy shit! You scared me." I said and we both laughed. "LANGUAGE!" Cap yelled and we both just laughed harder. "So what's up?" I asked, allowing her to enter the room. "Peter's here, Tony is going over the plan with him so we should be ready to get into action tonight." She explained. I nodded, turning around to grab something out of my nightstand. "I got you this." I said, handing her a small box. It held a pair of earrings inside, she smiled at the gesture and gave me a hug.

"Thanks, little Stark." She said, putting them on. "Listen, I made these, they have an AI in them, like Friday or EDITH, you can track me and I can track you. You can see my vitals and basically everything that my dads AI's can do. But what makes this different is this feature," I tapped my watch which sent a message to Nat's earrings, spelling out a message in front of her eyes. "If either of us are in trouble we just tap the device and it sends a message." I smiled.

"That's really impressive, you are definitely Tony's daughter." She smiled and gave me another hug. "Everyone, come to the meeting room." My dad's voice came over the intercom. Me and Natasha walked out of my room and down the hall to the meeting room. I walked in to see Peter sitting next to my dad who was at the head of the table. I smiled at him and gave a small wave which he returned. I sat across from my dad at the other end of the table, "Okay, let's go over the plan one more time before we actually put lives in danger." My dad said.

Peter's eyes went wide, I guess this is the first time he's hearing the plan. "W-who's life?" He stuttered, looking to my dad for answers. I felt bad but this is the only way we could lure hydra, they weren't coming for my dad or any other Avenger, they were after me. "We're using Sierra as bait. She's gonna go out in public, they will eventually find her and when they do we will follow them to wherever they take her and we will defeat them." My dad said, making it sound a lot easier than it was.

"That doesn't sound very safe, Mr. Stark." Peter said, looking at my dad who was looking at me. "Who came up with this plan, I'm sure there has to be another way." He said, searching his brain for a better idea. "This idea is definitely a Stark idea," I began, pushing my chair back and standing up, "It's risky and dumb but it's the only way." I walked around the table, looking at everyone as I talked. "They aren't looking for the Avengers, they want me, so even if you were to leave me here and try to find and fight them on your own," I leaned over my dad's chair and looked at Peter in the eyes, "They would still find me in the end."

I sat back in my seat, Peter had his head in his hands. "This isn't very smart, Sierra." He said, looking at me. "I am a Stark, we don't exactly come up with the greatest ideas." I said, "Meeting over, this is the plan and that's final." I finished, walking out of the room with everyone behind me. We walked down to the main room. "Does everyone have their suits on?" I asked and received nods from everyone. "Okay good, Nat, I'll alert you first when they find me, you and dad can track me and then you come." I said, grabbing my keys off the hook. "I love you all." I said, exiting the building and heading into the city.


I'm sorry for such a short chapter, the next one will be longer. I hope you are excited to find out what happens next. I've worked very hard on this book and I really want everyone to enjoy it as much as I do. As always, Happy Reading! 

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