Chapter 26

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Sierra's POV

I woke up with a headache. I sat up off the floor and looked around, it was cold and dark. "Hello?" I called, hearing the heavy footsteps of what could only be a man. The door creaked open and a man dressed in all black popped in the doorway. "Richards, she's awake." He said, motioning for another person to come look at me. I scooted further into the corner. Allens face popped over the shorter man, "Good. Leave us alone." He said, shooing his minion away and entering the room. "Allen? What is happening?" I asked, I know the Avengers will eventually find me but who knows what could happen between now and then?

"Shh, my princess." He said, nearing me in the corner. I cowered back further to try and keep as much distance between us as possible. "Why am I here?" I asked again, hoping for an answer. He stood tall in front of me and in one swift movement was down to my level. "Because you are mine." He said, cupping my face in his hands. "You're all I've ever wanted, Sierra." He said. The look in his eyes seemed genuine but I know there is a catch to this. "But?" I questioned, calling his bluff. "But, I knew I could never get you by simply asking for you. That Peter character is always with you, he's like a shadow." He finished.

"I love Peter, Allen. You had your chance and you blew it. You were 19 when we met, you could've come back to New York with me but you didn't." I forced back. It was true, my father was gonna train him to be an Avenger. He pushed my head back against the wall, "I couldn't just leave my daughter, Sierra." He said, gritting his teeth as he hit my head against the wall again. "But now she's gone, Grace took her from me." He stood up, leaving me to feel the blood trickling down the back of my head to my neck. "What does that have to do with me?" I questioned using the fight that I still had left. He turned sharply away from me. "You will bear my next child." He finished and left the room, leaving me dumbfounded.

Peter's POV

It's been 2 days since she went missing and I haven't left the facility. I will figure out who took her and what their plan is. I studied the note carefully, reading the name over and over again. "I know this name." I whispered to myself. "Friday, search all databases throughout the country for the name Richards." I said. "Okay, Mr. Parker, this action will take 5 minutes." She replied. I paced the room, I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulder.

"Why would Nat let her go by herself, she knows Sierra has a target on her back just by being a Stark." I said to myself, looking up from the ground to the hologram in front of me. Next to it in the middle of the table lay Mr. Starks EDITH glasses. I glanced toward the door and back at the tech sitting in front of me. I swiftly grabbed them from the table and put them on my face. "Edith, analyze this handwriting." I spoke. "I have this in a locked shield file created by Tony Stark, would you like to open it?" She asked, "Yes." I said causing tons of virtual documents to cloud my vision, one stood out to me though. "Edith, zoom in to the middle document." I said, causing the piece of information that seemed most interesting to come closer into my view. 'Allen Richards' was written in sloppy cursive writing with a picture of him next to the name.

"Mr. Parker, I have completed my search. Would you like to hear the results?" Friday asked. I took the glasses off my face, "Yes Friday, go ahead." I said. "One of the main sources I've found is Hydra. Allen Richards has association with them, would you like me to continue?" She asked. "No Friday, that's good." I said, pushing the door open and running down the hallway. "Mr. Stark!" I yelled, turning down a hallway to see Steve standing in the middle of it. "Kid, what's wrong?" "It's Hydra, I told you I knew that name from somewhere, Allen Richards is associated with Hydra, he took Sierra." I blurted out just as Tony came around the corner on the other end of the hall.

"Nice work kid, let's find out where she's at and bring her home."

Sierra's POV

Later that night

I sat up off the cold ground I was laying on, it had a nice feeling on my sweaty body. I felt the tears fall down my face and the white hot pain between my legs. I once again pulled myself into the corner of the room and sat in a ball. "What will Peter say?" I questioned myself. I let out a cry as I crawled around the room, looking for my clothing. I found my shirt and shorts laying in the middle of the room and my panties in the corner on the left side. "Where is my bra?" I stood up and looked around, causing the pain to become more apparent.

I sighed in defeat and walked back over to my corner of the room. "I have to get out of here." I said to myself, feeling around on my now clothed body for something with a tracker in it. "The ring." I whispered, I don't know if they can hear me. I felt my left hand and saw that it was still there. I sighed in relief and pushed the diamond three times. I added the tech in after Peter gave it to me, it's linked to his suit, if I push the button the spider on his chest will glow the amount of times the button is pushed.

Peter's POV

We were currently outside of what looked to be an abandoned warehouse, "Peter are you sure this is the right place?" Tony asked through the headset. "Yes, this is where it brought me on the map and the ring is inside." I said, "On my count we ambush." I finished, counting down from 10. We rushed into the building and got to work on fighting everyone in sight. "Peter we've got it covered down here, you go upstairs and try to find Sierra." Nat said through the headset. I fought my way upstairs to see a dark room at the end of the hall. That must be where she is.

"Who the hell are you?" A voice came from beside me. I looked over to see Allen himself. "Your worst nightmare." I said and lunged at him. 

Sierra's POV

I could hear loud movement and fighting outside the door of the room I was in. Now is my chance. I got up out of the corner and ran to the door, beating my fists against it. "Help me!" I cried, hoping they would hear me. "Shut up, whore!" I heard Allen's voice yell back followed by a loud hit and grunt. "Sierra?" Peter's voice flooded my ears, was it really him? "Peter?" I yelled back, a little string of hope lighting up inside me. "Peter I'm in here!" I yelled louder, beating my fists on the door again. I could hear the door beginning to open and suddenly light flooded into the room.

"Peter!" "Sierra!" He pulled me into his arms and I pushed my face into his chest, the smell of his all too familiar cologne filling my nostrils. We let go and I looked around the room, now that there was light in here I could probably find my bra. I turned to see a big blood stain on the floor from a few hours prior and my bra laying next to it. I ran over and grabbed it, my back to Peter as I put it on. "Okay, let's get out of here." I forced a smile and I ran back to Peter.

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