Chapter 16

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Sierra's POV

I woke up at 10:30 to voices downstairs. "Her truck is a mess, Tony. What did she do last night?" I heard uncle Steve ask my dad. I rolled my eyes and threw the covers off me. "I don't know, Steve, she's out of control." My dad replied, that's what pushed me over the edge. I jumped out of bed and slammed open my door.

"I am not out of control, Uncle Steve, don't let him lie to you." I stormed downstairs. "Then what did you do last night? Do you even remember?" My dad asked, hands on his hips as Steve stood between us awkwardly. "Of course I remember, dad." I said, "I went through death hole with Peter." I continued and my dad just looked at me. "Death hole? The same death hole that I've specifically told you not to go through?" My dad sassed. I nodded which just made him angrier. "That's it, give me your keys." He said, putting his hands out at me.

"No, your name isn't on that truck or the insurance. It's all in my name." I said, stepping toward him angry. The only thing stopping me from getting in his face is Steve standing in the middle. "I'm the one who spent almost forty thousand dollars on it." He challenged, which only made me madder. I threw my hand to the side which caused a vase sitting on one of the end tables to fly at the wall and shatter.

We stopped yelling, too shocked to form any words. "What the hell just happened?" Steve spoke first. Me and my dad looked at the shattered vase in shock and then looked at each other. "Did you know I could do that?" I asked my dad, who shook his head and looked at me. "This is news to me." He said and walked over to the vase, picking up the pieces and holding them in his hand.

"This was very expensive." He said, looking at me. "What do you want me to do about that?" I asked back, it's not like I had all the money in the world like he did. "Friday, order me another vase like this." He said into the thin air, "Right away, Mr. Stark," She replied and then went away. "Right, well anyways, I'm just going to ignore any of this ever happened." I said, turning and going back up to my room.

"I wonder what else I can do." I said to myself, I pushed my hand at one of the pens that was sitting on my desk and it began to levitate. I brought it over to me and looked at it. "But how?" I questioned, sitting it back on the desk with my power. I shook my head, I'll just ignore it and maybe it will go away. I walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower, washing all the dirt off my body from last night.

I got out of the shower and walked back into my room with a towel around my body. Entering my closet I looked for an outfit and finally decided on a black and white striped shirt with a white pleated skirt and white doc martens. I put on light makeup and straightened my hair, putting it in little half up half down pigtails. I walked out of my room and down to the kitchen to see the rest of the Avengers sitting around the table.

"Oh my god, Nat! I've missed you!" I smiled and gave her a hug and she hugged back with a huge grin on her face. "I missed you too, Sierra, how have you been?" She asked, I looked between her and my dad who was watching Thor shove a whole pop tart in his mouth and rolled my eyes. She nodded, understanding and I stood back up straight. "Well it was good to see all of you, however, I must be leaving." I said, grabbing my keys off the counter and making my way towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" My dad asked, suddenly less interested in how much food Thor can shove in his face. "Out." I replied coldly. I stepped out the door, taking in the winter cold and shivering slightly. I went and climbed into my truck, it's Sunday, so it's the last free day I have until next weekend. "Friday, call Spider-boy." I said, once I started the truck and back out of the drive.

"Hey, Stark, what's up?" He asked through the phone when he picked up. I smiled at the nickname and began to talk. "All of the Avengers are at my house for some meeting with my dad, do you wanna come crash it?" He seemed to be thinking for a moment before replying with a yes and I went to get him from his apartment.

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