Season 3 Episode 7

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Corey's Confessional
"Lately Steph and I have had a lot going on." "We've been preparing for the wedding, and we've had more than one conversation about whether to have a big ceremony or not." "Steph likes simple, but not basic." "But I'm willing to give her whatever she wants."

Steph: I need you to be 100% honest with me. Are you okay with a small ceremony?

Corey: I most certainly am. I don't exactly have a whole wagon full of family and friends. Just my mom and dad will be fine.

Steph: Excellent. This is going to be the best day ever. 

Corey: I know.

*Corey gets a phone call from his mom*

Corey: Hello?

Mom: Corey. It's mom.

Corey: Hi Mom. Is everything okay?

Mom: I'm not sure. I just got an invitation to your wedding in the mail? What's going on?

Corey: I'm getting married mom. Why wouldn't everything be okay?

Mom: Don't tell me you're marrying that girl you met in that dreadful bar.

Corey: Excuse me? Yes I am marrying her. What of it?

Mom: Oh Corey, dear. You have such a prestigious career to worry about. Aren't you concerned that you'll mess it up by being seen with her?

Corey: No. You're worried about that. And I will not sit on the phone with you and listen to you insult my fiancé.

Mom: What about Carmella? She's such a fine young lady. What'd you do to scare her away? She was so good to you.  She's much better than that Stephanie girl.

Corey: She's my finance, mom. I'm not gonna change my mind. I'm hanging up now. And you can go ahead and trash that invitation. You're no longer invited.

*Corey hangs up the phone*

*Stephanie walks back in the room*

Stephanie: Who was that?

Corey: My mom. She just called to complain that I don't call enough.

Stephanie: You don't have to try and spare my feelings. I know she doesn't like me, and she's not thrilled about the wedding.

Corey: I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have lied. My mom is just a little stuck in her ways. She was so set on Carmella being the one to give her grandkids.

Stephanie: Well, if she bothered to get to know me, she'd know I'm way cooler than her.

Corey: Don't worry. It only matters that I know.

Corey's Confessional

"I know my mom isn't the biggest fan of Steph, but I really downplayed it a lot." "When I say she  wanted Carmella to be the mother of her grandkids, it was practically set in stone in her mind." "In a way, I think she resents Steph for being the one who got a ring from me." "At this point, I don't have any family coming to my wedding." "But I'm okay with that." "I didn't need that energy anyway."


Seth's Confessional

"I haven't been able to talk to Mila since she broke the news to me." "I admit I'm scared." "All I want to do is crawl under a rock and stay there."

*Seth is sitting in catering when he feels someone sit down in front of him*

*He looks up and sees it's Mila*

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