Season 2 Episode 7

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Seth's Confessional
"I've never been the jealous type, but I have always been the type of person to put people in their place." "They say the camera doesn't lie, but it doesn't catch all the truth either." "If you saw what I saw when I ran into Becky and Adam, you would've seen Adam's little smirk when he walked away with Becky." "I think it should be known." "I'm just going to let this clown know what's what."

Seth: Hey Adam.

Adam: Let me guess. This is about Becky, right? Look dude. I don't want her, but it's clear you don't deserve her.

Seth: What'd you say?

Adam: I see Becky as a friend, but if you're not gonna treat her right, maybe I should.

Seth: Look, boy. I don't know what your problem is, but I want you to know—.

Adam: I don't have a problem, you do. You want me to keep away from Becky until you finally decide to get your shit together. Well guess what? I'm not going to.

Seth: And what do you mean by that?

Adam: I'm gonna make it my personal mission to make sure you don't bring her down with your toxicity. You. Don't. Deserve. Her.

Seth: You may think that, but you should know this rough patch is temporary. We will get back to us very soon. Don't get too cocky. You're not in, and you'll never be.

Adam: You may think that, but it won't happen if you don't get your head out of your ass. Don't get too cocky. Because as I saw yesterday, she's just about done with your shit. And if it's not me, you won't catch me crying over it. But she will find someone who will treat her right.

Seth: What makes you assume it would be you? You're not her type.

Adam: What the fuck makes you think you know her? The way you take such disregard for how she feels, I'm surprised you know her birthday.

Seth: Yeah whatever man. I'm not gonna play trivia with you. It's not a problem now, but it will be if you make it one. I'm not your enemy here.

Adam: You know what? I think you are.

Adam stands up

Seth: You got something you wanna get off your chest big boy?

Adam: I said what I had to say. You're not worth me putting my hands on you.

Seth: I hope you stood up to leave little man. Cause if you didn't, this is gonna end a whole lot differently.

Adam: I stood up to excuse myself. You don't intimidate me. Don't make this into something Rollins.

Seth: Yeah alright. Bye.

Seth's Confessional
"Look at this clown trying to make it seem like he had Becky's best interest at heart." "I know his kind." "He's not the knight in shining armor." "He's not even competition." "I don't wanna have to embarrass this kid, but I will." "We'll just have to see what move he makes."
Enzo's Confessional
"If I had to be honest, I felt kind of bad for playing Liv." "She had confided in me about her past relationships and none of it was good." "Now that I've gone and showed her I'm no better than the rest, I know she'll never talk to me again." "There's no apologizing, no talking about it, I know it's done." "She hates me now, and I'll never get to tell her I'm sorry." "She is done with me." "Nevertheless, Carmella hasn't contacted me since she left after the fight with Liv last night." "She's pissed off at me too." "I'm just waiting on what I got coming to me courtesy of her."

Enzo walks into his condo

Enzo: Oh my god.

Enzo's Confessional
"I walk in my condo, and all my shit is destroyed." "My clothes are doused in bleach-."

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