Series Finale

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Corey's Confessional

"It's my wedding day." "I'm so excited to be tying the knot." "The mood is set, the scenery is perfect, and I'm happy." "It's a beautiful day."

*Corey hears a knock on his dressing room door*

Corey: Come in.

*No one enters the room*

Corey: Come in!

*No one enters*

*Corey walks over and answers the door*

Carmella: Hello there.

Corey: No. No. No. Get out. Leave. This is not the day to pull some bullshit jealous ex stunt. Get the hell out of here.

Carmella: So you didn't invite me?

Corey: You know damn well I didn't invite you. I respect my fiancé more than that. And even if you were invited, what the hell made you think it's okay for you to come into the groom's quarters? Something tells me you knew how suspicious that'd look.

Carmella: I truly thought I was invited. I got an invitation from someone.

Corey: Well it wasn't from me.

Carmella: Can't we just talk like normal people? I'm tired of this whole thing between the two of us.

Corey: You wanna talk-. On my wedding day? See? I just have a hard time believing that's a coincidence. And if you're so tired of this thing between the two of us, you could've squashed it a long time ago. This is not the time or the place for this. You need to leave. And if I haven't been clear, I want you gone. I don't want you within 2 miles of here.

Carmella: Okay. Now you're just being dramatic. I haven't done anything that bad to you for you to treat me like this.

Corey: I am not going to go over this with you. Please leave.

Carmella: Whatever.

*Corey shuts the door*

*Corey hears another knock on the door and opens it*

Corey: I thought I told you to get out of here?

Bridesmaid: Uh, okay. Well the ceremony is about to start and they're ready for you.

Corey: Sorry. I thought you were someone else.

Corey's Confessional

"Carmella should really be ashamed of herself." "I haven't had any type of contact with this girl in weeks, and somehow she shows up at my wedding." "I know some people might think I was a little harsh, but you can't honestly believe she came to my wedding without some type of intention." "There is just no way." "Besides that, I have a beautiful woman to make my wife." "Whatever the hell Carmella came here to do, it's not happening today." "When that music played and she walked down that aisle, I was stunned by how beautiful she looked." "It was a perfect moment."

Priest: If anyone has any reason why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Corey's Mom: Me. Corey, honey? Don't do this. Don't ruin your life like this.

*Corey's mom stands up and starts shouting*

Mom: What do you want with my son, huh?! Why can't you go back to that dreadful bar you came from! You're not good enough for my son!

Corey: Someone get her out of here. Now.

Mom: You will never be accepted into my family! And I'll be damned if you'll be the mother of my grandchildren! She's not the one for you Corey! I raised you better than this!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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