Season 1 Episode 1

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Randy's Confessional
"Going into this, I have no idea what's gonna happen." "The producers called us and said that we're gonna meet our co stars today." "I said it was cool, but it's really not." "This is supposed to be fun and a way to give the fans what they want." "I look at it as a chance to get me sent to jail." "If I get a co star that I can't stand, it'll only be a matter of time until I snap." "We'll just have to see."

*Randy walks into the room*

Randy: Well, no one is here. I guess the best arrives first.

*Randy sits down*

Randy: Guess I'll have to wait. Should be exciting.
Dolph's Confessional
"I already know that i'm probably going to want to throw a chair at some of my costars." "I mean come on." "There is a reason that they didn't tell us who we were gonna be dealing with up front." "I like to think I can get along with everyone and I have a lot of patience." "For the sake of this damn show, I hope it's true."

*Dolph walks into the room & sees Randy*

Randy's Confessional
"This idiot?" "You couldn't have thought of anyone better than him?" "Don't get me wrong, Dolph isn't a bad guy." "He just gets on my nerves." "Look." "I know good drama is what brings ratings and all that stuff, but I'm probably going to break this guys face if he tries to show off in front of these cameras."

Randy: What's up Dolph?

Dolph: Hey Randy. How you been man?

Randy: I've been good.

Dolph: You cleared yet?

Randy: I've been cleared for months now. Haven't you been seeing my matches?

Dolph: That wasn't what I was talking about.

Randy's Confessional
"It's been a while since I've been in the ring with Dolph, but during the time that I was, I had a few mental problems." "I had real problems with my anger back then." "That still doesn't change the fact of that isn't his business and it had nothing to do with the damn conversation." "Who the hell brings shit up like that?"

Randy: I don't want to talk about that man. It's not something I like for people to bring up either.

Dolph: I get it. My bad man.

*Dolph's Confessional*
"Randy and I do not get along very well." "We can be cordial towards each other, but after a while we can't be in the same room." "The guy is a dick." "He's self centered, entitled, and just a fucking drag." "He tries to act like he's okay now and he's a totally different person, but i'm not buying it." "Me mentioning his anger management was just to fuck with him." "It's going to be that type of relationship between the two of us."
Seth's Confessional
"Agreeing to this may have been a mistake, but I'm gonna walk into this with an open mind." "I really don't care if anyone likes me or not." "I knew that was going to be a factor when I agreed to do this." "As long as no one tries to start up anything with me, it should be okay."

*Seth walks into the room & sees Ziggler and Randy*

Seth: Ah. Dude? You guys are here?

Randy: Um Seth? Stephanie's office is down the hall.

Seth: Actually Randal. I'm on the show. The star of it may I add.

Randy's Confessional
"In walks the cocky, arrogant, evil, smug bastard, Seth Rollins." "Now I know why they made us meet our co stars after we agreed to do this." "Because if I would've known Seth was gonna be here, I would've said no."

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