Season 2 Episode 3

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Roman's Confessional
"Unbelievable." "I have way too much going on to be dealing with this right now." "On one hand, Punk's bitch ass wants problems with me, and on the other hand, I gotta bail Seth's ass outta jail." "I cannot believe that this jack ass went to Jon's show and fought him." "I told his dumb ass he was gonna dig a hole." "And now he's in one."

Roman hears the buzzer sound and Seth's cell door slides open. He walks out, and Roman gives him a glare.

Seth: What?

Roman: Get your ass in the car. Because if I say what I wanna say right now, I'll be in a cell too.

Seth and Roman walk out to the car and get in

Roman: Have you lost your fucking mind? What were you thinking?

Seth: I told you I wasn't gonna stop. I got what I wanted.

Roman: This shit is everywhere, Seth. You get that right? You went to another promotion and assaulted the talent. That's serious stuff!

Seth: Not too serious. He didn't press charges.

Roman: Jon has never been a "rat to the cops" type of guy, and you know that. That's why you did it.

Seth: I did it because I got sucker punched. I'm not gonna keep going over this with you.

Roman: Fine. You don't wanna hear shit I say, you're on your own then. I'm done trying to reason with you. Do your dumb shit. I don't care anymore. Get the fuck out of the car.

Seth: What?

Roman: Get the fuck out of my car now!

Seth: You can't be serious.

Roman: I'm dead serious. Get out!

Seth gets out of the car and Roman drives away

Seth's Confessional
"I really don't know why Roman is so angry about this." "Nothing I did was his fault." "What I did was a choice." "Hey, when I did what I did, I made sure not to get anyone else involved." "So when shit got bad, nobody would be faulted but me." "He's over here yelling at me like I lit a fire under his ass." "It's all good though." "He'll be over it soon." "I'm not worried about it." "I'll give him his time to pout."
Enzo's Confessional
"Holy shit." "I promised you that you would hear about the night we had, and it turns out the world did."


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"Yeah." "TMZ broke the news before anybody else could." "I'm not trippin' over it though." "And surprisingly, Corey isn't either." "He's chill about it." "We sat in that holding cell just crackin' jokes about the situation." "I'm glad he didn't freak the fuck out." "It would've made the night less fun." "Arrested or not, we had a ball."

Corey: Dude. We're gonna get so much shit for this.

Enzo: Eh. Don't trip. It's public knowledge that's gonna be the worst of this. People doing arm chair detective work are always gonna run their mouths.

Corey: What about the guy that you cracked in the face with a bottle?

Enzo: He got staples in his head and stitches over his eye.

Corey: Damn dude. We fucked up the whole night.

Enzo: Ain't too much that can come from this. Pretty sure Mark or somebody might have a comment to make but, it should be all good.

Corey: Who bailed you out?

Enzo: Got a girl out in Miami who did it for me. You?

Corey: You'll never believe this, Carmella.

Enzo: Bullshit. You serious?

Corey: Yep. She came to MPD, did what she had to, and left without a word.

Enzo: Hmm. Seems like the princess doesn't hate you as much as she's letting on.

Corey: Whatever. I'm not the one with the problem. If she wants to get back together, she's gotta come talk to me. I wanna make it work man, I really do. But you don't understand how much I've poured my heart out to her, and all she does is play hard to get.

Enzo: I told you it'd get like that.

Corey: I know. Like two days ago when we got arrested, I called her to thank her for bailing me out, and you know what she says? She goes, I can't believe you're a complete dumb ass all around. You can't keep your hands off other girls, nor can you get your damn head on straight. Wake up Corey. You're hurting other people by being selfish. Get your shit together.

Enzo: Through all of that, I notice the little things. From what you told me, she has you blocked on all social media, and by phone number. So if she even picked up, you're makin' progress with her. She unblocked your number. You're moving back up.

Corey: She hasn't called, so. I don't know what she wants anymore. But at this point, I'm done. I'm not doing it anymore.

Enzo: I understand your frustration and for that I respect that decision.

Enzo's Confessional
"I feel bad for Corey, but maybe this is what's best for the guy, ya know?" "I'm not hatin'." "I say he's making the right move."

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