Season 1 Episode 6

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Seth's Confessional
"I've been in a mixed place lately." "Ever since Lacey straight up schooled me, I've found myself wanting to be closer to her." "I've called her again to meet with me." "This time she told me, I'm sorry but I do recall telling you that you have the information when you find out what you want." "This is your move." "All I'm doing is waiting to see what happens." "That was enough to get me to go to her." "If I'm going to do this, I need to make sure Lacey knows her place."

Seth: Lacey?

Lacey: Seth. What a pleasant surprise. Have a seat.

Seth: You knew I was coming here.

Lacey: I did. I knew from the moment that I left you sitting at that table with your mouth agape.

Seth: You flatter yourself. You truly do.

Lacey: Quite the contrary actually. I speak the truth. The way I left you, it wasn't to shame you. It was to make you realize that you're not the man you can be yet. You think a man would take this long to call a lady back? A man would've taken charge. You Seth, are in need of a woman who will bring out your beast inside.

*Lacey touches Rollins' hand*

Seth: No. A man would've told you, I'm taken. Because he wouldn't be interested in a temporary thing. He wouldn't be interested in creating secrets in his present relationship. He would stick with his partner who would continue to give him a forever thing, because a real man knows a real woman.

Lacey: I see. Well, I am nothing if not classy. I respect that you love the relationship you're in, but—.

*Lacey gets up and whispers in Seth's ear*

It doesn't mean I have to.

*Lacey walks away*

Seth's Confessional
"I have to admit, she is a go getter." "I'll always respect the fact that she is a decisive woman, but as of now, I have Becky." "And I have to respect her too."
Corey's Confessional
"I was shocked when Amy said what she said." "It's been on my mind for some time now, and I know it has for a reason." "I have to admit, when I left Amy, I was thinking about myself." "I was thinking about how I was unhappy and about how I wanted to leave." "It was selfish I know, plus she called me out on it." "Before she sat down with me, I was ready to leave her in the past and sign the papers." "Now though, I can't get her out of my head." "She had the chance to tell me how she felt." "And I can't leave this in the past until I let her know how I feel now."

Mark: Hey Corey? Do you mind stepping into my office?

Corey: Sure thing.

*Mark and Corey enter Mark's office and sit down*

Corey: So what's up?

Mark: I just wanted to thank you on behalf of WWE for taking care of the issues with your ex wife, Amy.

Corey: I'm sorry. That's actually far from over. What exactly are you talking about?

Mark: That's strange. Your wife tweeted out an explanation to her previous tweet accusing you of cheating. She cleared the whole thing up just 5 hours ago. I found it fitting to assume you brought that to be.

Corey: I didn't actually Mark. She did herself. She said everything she needed to say to me, and I guess now she's just ready to leave me behind.

Mark: Well I assume you're glad. That's the reason you left her in the beginning, right?

Corey: I honestly don't think I did the right thing anymore. Excuse me Mark.

*Corey walks out*
Dolph's Confessional
"I hate to say it, but that asshole Orton was right." "I haven't been able to get the feminist community off my case since Lana and Mandy caught up with me." "I haven't talked to either of them since either." "But they just had to let Twitter know and now I'm on edge." "I want to apologize to them, but I feel it's too soon." "I have to give it some time to blow over."

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