Season 2 Episode 2

44 2 0

Enzo's Confessional
"I offered to take Graves out for the night to get his mind off the Staten Island princess." "I mean, I've worked with Carmella before with Cass, and she can be a handful." "Just ask Cass, he dated her." "I'm just hoping that he'll get the hell out of this funk." "I don't give a damn if he gets back with her or not, I just wanna show him the fun of being single before he makes his decision."

Enzo: So? What do you think?

Corey: I don't think this is for me. You brought me to a strip club?

Enzo: Yeah. What man doesn't love the strip club?

Corey: It's not the stripping part that I have a problem with. I don't fit in here.

Enzo: Who cares? It only matters if the ladies dig you. And that one seems like she's down.

Corey sees a blonde girl eyeing him from across the club

Enzo: Look Graves. That girl is fine. You're not new with talkin' to the ladies, alright? Now get over there and get yourself some.

Corey: I think she's just looking for a good tipper.

Enzo: And that will make you popular in here. Because you're capable of giving them their money. Go get your girl man.

Corey walks over to the girl and begins chatting. The girl smiles and moves her hair out of her face. Corey gestures to the bar and both he and the girl walk over to it.

Corey's Confessional
"I didn't think I would like it here, not with Enzo of all people." "But he has truly outdone himself." "He got a V.I.P. section, with private dancers, there aren't randoms in the section making it crowded." "I'm enjoying myself."

Enzo: Having fun with your lady there? Where is she anyway?

Corey: She had to go to the bathroom. She should be back any minute.

Enzo: Found out her name yet?

Corey: Stephanie.

Enzo: Oouu. She seems like a lovely lady. Do you uh, plan on taking the party back to the Marriott?

Corey: Nah. I don't think I'm that type of guy.

Enzo: What do you mean?

Corey: I'm not gonna do her when I know I'll probably never see her again. Plus, I'm only trying to show myself a good time, not lead some poor girl on.

Enzo: Nah man. You got it all wrong. Girls like her, they know they're one night stand material. It's why they come here. To bag a man and slip out by morning. It's routine for these chicks man.

Corey: I don't know if Stephanie is like that. I don't want to hurt anybody else with my shit man. I just need time to get over this.

Enzo: Oh well. You'll find out soon that Carmella ain't gonna make it easy on ya. She's gonna have your ass in the dog house for a loooooong time. And pretty soon, you're gonna get sick of apologizing, and trying to swoon her, and you're gonna say fuck it.

Corey: Well, this night has been great. I'll hit you up for another night out if shit goes south.

Enzo: Anytime brother.

Enzo's Confessional
"I'm glad that Corey and I are getting along, but I feel bad for the guy." "He's got his hopes up like some little kid when they hear the word might." "He's gonna hit hard because he's up so damn high on hope." "I just hope he wakes up, and soon."

Stephanie comes and sits back down next to Corey

Stephanie: Hey there you are. I missed you.

Corey: I missed yo—.

Man: Aye bro! What the fuck do you think you're doing?

Enzo and Corey see an angry guy walking to their section. Enzo stands up.

Enzo: Whoa! Whoa! Who the hell are you?

Man: I'm her boyfriend! Steph, what the fuck are you doing here with this douchebag?

Enzo: Yo man chill. Your girl came over for a party that's all. We're all cool here.

Man: Yo shut the fuck up bro! Stephanie! Let's go we're leaving now.

Corey: I think you need to go man. Security!

Man: Oh you're so fucking tough bro! You're gonna call security on me? I'm a grown ass man, and I don't need nobody telling me where I can and can't go!

Enzo: Yo security! Get this clown out of our section!

Man: How about you and me meet in the parking lot! Let's go tough guy!

Enzo: Nah man. I got way too much money for that. See your way out.

The man throws a drink in Enzo's face. Enzo wipes his eyes and punches the guy in the face. They begin fighting in the section. Two of the mans friends come and begin punching Enzo. Corey knocks over a table, jumping in the fight to help Enzo. Enzo grabs a bottle and hits the man over the head with it. Security rushes over and gets the fight broken up.

DJ: Everybody out! The club is now closed and the police have been called! Everybody out now!

Enzo and Corey are taken outside and asked to sit on the curb until the police arrive. An ambulance is called for the man who started the altercation. The police arrive, and Enzo and Corey are handcuffed, mirandized, and taken to jail.

Seth's Confessional

"When I said that I was gonna see Ambrose again, that didn't mean I was gonna wait for him to come to me." "So I bought a ticket to an AEW show just to surprise him." "I'm going to torture this asshole." "It's war."

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, Jon Moxley.

Seth sits in the crowd staring at Jon. Jon notices Seth front row and smiles at him. The camera notices Jon staring into the crowd and pans the camera to Seth. The crowd "Ohs" and chants "AEW" when they see Seth on the Tron. Mox flips off Seth.

Seth: Come out of the ring tough guy! Come fight me out here!

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Seth: Come out of the ring tough guy! Come fight me out here!

Jon: You don't want me to! I'll beat your ass again!

Seth: Come do it! Do it!

The crowd chants "fight". Mox shrugs his shoulders and rolls out of the ring. Mox walks over to Seth and gets in his face. Seth laughs in Mox's face and mushes him. Mox backs away and smiles, then punches Seth in the face. The two start fighting in the crowd. Security rushes over to stop them. The crowd is cheering, loving the fight displayed in front of them. Refs join the fray as they try and break up the fight. They pry Seth off of Mox as he's pulling on Mox's eyes. They separate the two, and Seth runs back over to Mox and punches him in the face. Seth is grabbed by security and escorted out. He is taken out to the parking lot and escorted to a police car. Fans are cheering as Seth does a "perp walk" to police car.

Fan: Seth! We'll see you when you get out bud!

Seth: Ain't got nothing to worry about. It's all good baby.

Seth is placed in the police car and is driven away

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