Season Finale

114 5 3

Corey's Confessional
"Since I got what I had to say to Amy off of my chest, my head has been a little clearer." "I've gotten my mind right and now Carmella and I are back on good terms." " It's been three weeks since I've spoken to Amy, and now it's the day that we sign the divorce papers and go our separate ways." "I brought Carmella with me to the signing." "All I want to do now is see my future with her."

"So by signing these papers in front of you today, you hear-by relieve yourselves of martial status."

*Corey signs of the papers*

Amy: I'm sorry. Is it even appropriate to have anyone other than the three of us present during this signing?

Carmella: Give it a rest Amy. He's signed them already. He's ready to move on. You should too.

Amy: I was going to let this be, but how dare you? You are a disgusting person. I actually felt sorry for you. Then you waltz in here hand in hand with her like nothing happened? She deserves sooo much better than you. And considering that she's here right now, she doesn't know.

*Amy looks at Carmella*

Amy: He called me to talk a few weeks ago and kissed me.

*Amy looks back to Corey*

Amy: How long after that did you call her back?

*Amy rolls her eyes and sighs*

Amy: Carmella dear? You need to find someone better to invest your time in. Because he is only going to waste it. I wish you, and only you, the best.

*Amy signs the papers and leaves*

*Carmella slaps Corey and walks out*
Dolph's Confessional
"As I suspected, the fight went viral from the Q&A." "PW insider, TMZ, on almost every social media platform, you saw that fight." " I was taken to jail and charged with assault." "Luckily, I made bail later that night." "Though I am out of jail, the charges still haven't been dropped." "Now I have to go to court to settle this." "To add on top of that, the company knows." "And now Mark is calling me in for another sit down." "And I know that no good news is going to come from this."

Dolph: Hey Mark.

Mark: Dolph? I'm gonna get right to the point. Are you crazy?

Dolph: Excuse me?

Mark: You are a professional athlete. Children look up to you. Children were at the event. That fight could of spiralled out of control, to the point where someone's child was hurt. It was very irresponsible on your end to even engage with this man. Look at you. He threw a chair at your face. That's going to be even more time that you're off TV because your broken nose has to heal. And what's this I hear about court?

Dolph: I guess the situation got so out of hand, and since the other guys injuries were kind of serious, they projected a court date to solve this.

Mark: This story is making headlines. It was bad enough that the feminist community was on your back, now you have even more people having sympathy for the guy you punched out.

Dolph: That's crap. He started with me first.

Mark: Don't you get it? They didn't see how it started. Your bad rep right now is the reason they're against you. I'm sorry Dolph. I can't just let this go unpunished.

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