Season 3 Episode 4

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Corey's Confessional

"I'll be honest." "I was thrown for a loop when Stephanie told me that she and Seth got into it." "Word on the street is Rollins isn't taking his breakup with Becky too well." "Whatever his reason may be, I don't care." "All I want from him is an apology to my girlfriend." "She decided not to come tonight to let us hash it out, but she trusts me to handle it." "Which I will."

*Corey walks up to Seth*

Corey: Hey man. You got a minute?

Seth: What for?

Corey: Just gotta talk to you about something that happened a few weeks ago.

Seth: I'll tell you if I remember man. No promises.

Corey: I heard you got into a fight with a girl at a strip club.

Seth: Yeah. Why do you care?

Corey: That girl was my girlfriend, Stephanie.

Seth: What a minute. Mister too afraid to get his suit dirty, is dating a stripper? What has become of this world?

Corey: Beside the point man. You owe my girl an apology.

Seth: Then where is she?

Corey: She decided not to come. She trusted me to handle it.

Seth: Handle what? We're capable of talking like grown ups, right? It was stupid man. I was a little too drunk.

Corey: Still not hearing that apology I asked for.

Seth: Still not seeing what else you want me to do. I said all I had to say.

Corey: Except I'm sorry.

Seth: I'm not gonna say sorry to you. She wants an apology, bring her to me. I don't have anything to say to you. I'm not in the mood to deal with this.

Corey: I don't care what you're in the mood to deal with. You were disrespectful to my girl.

Seth: I've been disrespectful to a lot of people lately. What's your point?

Corey: Didn't you say we're capable of talking like grown ups? Then why are you acting like you did nothing wrong? You know you did. So just apologize.

Seth: And I will dumb ass. Just not to you. Your girlfriend may be a bitch, but if she's shown me anything, it's that she can handle herself.

Corey: Did you just call my girlfriend a bitch?

Seth: Yes. I did just now, and on the night in question. So, if I'm gonna keep standing here after I clearly just told you I'm not apologizing, I'm gonna need you to tell me what you plan on doing about this. Or else, shut the hell up.

Corey: It's not about hitting you.

Seth: That'd speed this up though. So what're you gonna do?

Corey: Screw off man. You're not worth it.

Seth: Hey. Tell Steph to give me a call. Tell her I applaud her too. I can really appreciate the commitment from her to milk this whole thing. Trying to make it seem like she gives a shit about an apology, just to have an excuse to keep talking about me? Bravo. She's playing this part better than the bitchy stripper.

*Corey punches Seth in the jaw*

*Seth adjusts his jaw and smiles*

Seth: Told you it'd speed it up. Now we're done. Wasn't so hard was it?

Corey's Confessional

"I've never seen a guy be so thrilled about getting punched in the face." "It's like he thrived on it." "Don't get me wrong." "I did only come here to talk to Seth, but he made it so hard." "I was trying to be calm, but it seems like he was only trying to get me to hit him." "I saw a little blood coming out of his mouth, but that still didn't satisfy me as much as an I'm sorry will."


Enzo's Confessional

"After my run in with Liv's new guy, I've been laying low." "The problem is, the guy has a case of Twitter fingers." "My plan was to let our little run in go unnoticed." "That's how it was going before this Ryan guy tweeted about me assaulting him." "Now I have the company breathing down my neck about it." "I didn't even do much to the guy." "The guy is only looking for fame." "And since I'm trying to keep my temper to a low, I'm not gonna give it to him."

*Enzo packs up his stuff in his trunk*

*He turns around to be met by 3 guys*

Enzo: What's up? Y'all want something?

*They begin walking towards Enzo*

Enzo: Woah. Hold up. What's going on?

*The first guy punches Enzo in the jaw. Enzo stumbles back and all three guys rush him. They punch and stomp him while he's on the ground. After a few more seconds, they run off*

*Security rushes out to Enzo's aid*

*Enzo is bleeding from his mouth and he's groggy*

Security: I need an ambulance out to the parking lot. Talent is injured.


Security: What the hell happened out here?

Enzo: I got jumped by like 3 guys.

Security: Any idea what they looked like?

Enzo: What the hell do you think? I was getting my ass beat.

*Security talks over the radio*

Security: I need everyone to be on the lookout for 3 men that may be fleeing the area on foot.

Enzo's Confessional

"At this point, I've got no idea what just happened." "I turn around for one second, and I get jumped." "I know a lot of guys don't like me, but I never thought anyone would be brave enough to put their hands on me." "To make matters worse, I have a black eye and maybe some fractured ribs." "Make no mistake though, I'm gonna find out who did this." "And I have a thought on who my first guess is."


Seth's Confessional

"Ever since I got blindsided by Roman at that bs therapy session, I haven't been speaking to him." "I ignore him at work, and I don't answer his calls or texts." "It hasn't been all bad though." "That same night I went out and found a pretty lady named Mila." "Her and I had a bit of fun, and that was that." "I feel like that was what I needed." "That wasn't technically what I meant by having fun, but it sure did do the job."

Adam: Seth! Just the man I wanted to see.

Seth: How's your eye?

Adam: Wasn't really a problem to begin with. You hit like a bitch.

Seth: That healing wound underneath it says otherwise.

Adam: Anyway. I just wanted to pop in and see how you're doing.

Seth: Why do you care?

Adam: You must've mistaken our last encounter to have been hostile. It's never been that way man.

Seth: Yeah okay. What do you want?

Adam: I just wanna check and see who your new arm candy is. You wouldn't by any chance know who this is-. Would you?

*Adam pulls out his phone and shows Seth a picture of Mila*

Seth: Names Mila.

Adam: I thought so. You obviously have been on too many benders if you don't recognize this chick.

Seth: What's it to you?

Adam: I just thought you should know that she's a bit of a troublemaker.

Seth: Yeah okay man. Lucky for you, you don't have to stand there and pretend to care. I'm outta here.

Adam: Whatever you say man.

Seth's Confessional

"I don't know why this guy is always finding new ways to mess with me." "I have had no encounters with this dude in weeks." " And all of a sudden he wants to issue some sort of warning to me about Mila?" This guy is a chump." "Mila is giving me what I need." "So you can bet your ass I'm gonna be keeping her around for a while."

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