Season 3 Episode 5

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Corey's Confessional

"Hopefully we've seen the last of Carmella." "Even if we haven't, I at least wanna get through this little drama patch with Stephanie." "All it's been a bunch of crap with Mella lately, and I don't want her think that's all it's gonna be when she's with me." "This girl helped me through so much crap, it's not even funny." "I think I want to spend the rest of my life with her."

Steph: Hey babe. What's all this?

Corey: I decided to do something nice for you. I've been kind of worried that you might get sick of all the crap that my ex puts you through, and you'd run off.

Steph: Well I can't deny that I'm not a fan of that part, but that bitch is not gonna run me away. I like you too much. I wanna see where this goes. Which is why I have to tell you I quit my job.

Corey: What? Why?

Steph: What Mella said got to me. It does look bad if you work for this high up company, and your girlfriend is stripping. I have more respect for you than that. So I quit.

Corey: You know you didn't have to do that, right? I knew what you did for a living when we met. It's never been a problem for me.

Steph: It is for me. Babe? Honestly, I hated every second of that job. I wasn't proud of it. I never wanted to talk about work for that reason. I still loved myself through it all, but I got worried that no one else would. And I mean like really love me. Like to actually wanna marry me and stuff.

Corey: That's what I wanted to talk to you about.

Steph: What do you mean?

Corey: Stephanie. I mean what I'm about to say to you. Thank you so much. You helped me get my shit together when it mattered most. I am so happy now that I'm with you. So, I want to ask you right now.

*Corey gets down on one knee*

Corey: Will you marry me?

Steph: Of course I will.

Corey's Confessional

"I'm so glad she said yes." "I knew she was the right girl for me after she told me she quit her job for me." "She's just amazing." "I damn sure made a better judgement with her than Mella." "That's for sure."

Enzo's Confessional
"I've been a little banged up since getting jumped, but it's nothing a certified G can't handle." "After that, I ended up putting two and two together." "I realized that it's no coincidence that I got jumped just one day after I had a run in with Liv's new guy." "That little fucker had me jumped." "Which is why I'm gonna meet him one on one with no one else around." "I know it's weird making these assumptions with no proof against the guy, but I'm not naïve nor am I stupid." "The events are too close together to ignore." "Whether I'm right or wrong, I'm still gonna ask this shmuck." "Let's just hope the answer is no."

*Ryan's car pulls up into the parking lot*

*Ryan gets out of the car and walks up to Enzo*

Enzo: What's up punk ass? How you been?

Ryan: You really wanna do this with me again?

Enzo: I had to call you up man. I didn't see you the day you had your boys jump me.

Ryan: Oh. That's why you have that black eye. I thought it was from the day I rocked your shit in the restaurant.

Enzo: Don't play with me bitch. You know damn well you didn't land a punch in that fight. I for one can ask you how your busted lip feels.

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